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Passion Ring and Will Amulet

Last modified: September 2nd, 2024
DifficultyMedium to High
Combination Rate SuccessVarious, will be explained below
Required Materials Broken Memory Fragment *60
or Memory Crystal
passion ring rf online Shining Passion
accessories ring and amulet rf online Shining Will
DescriptionPassion Ring and Will Amulet is a new ring and amulet in RF Online, which can upgrade to Rare M Accessories later.

Broken Memory Fragment Combination

Where to Combine

Go to HERO NPC in your HQ, and click Combination menu.


  • 60 of Broken Memory Fragment
  • 1 of passion ring rf online Shining Passion
  • or 1 of accessories ring and amulet rf online Shining Will

How to get these required materials?

Broken Memory Fragment

Broken Memory Fragment can only be buy in Foreign Vendor NPC for limited time only (Event).

Shining Passion

passion ring rf online Shining Passion can only be buy in Foreign Vendor NPC for limited time only (Event).

Shining Will

accessories ring and amulet rf online Shining Will can only be buy in Foreign Vendor NPC for limited time only (Event).

Shining Ring and Amulet with Broken Memory Fragment Combination

Material 1Material 2Combination Result (if failed all materials disappear)

Broken Memory Fragment *60
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion *1
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+1 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+1 *1
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+2 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+2 *1
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+3 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+3 *1
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Shining Passion+4 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+4 *1

Intermediate Passion Accessories Voucher *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
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Shining Will *1
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Shining Will+1 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
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Shining Will+1 *1
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Shining Will+2 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
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Shining Will+2 *1
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Shining Will+3 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
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Shining Will+3 *1
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Shining Will+4 *1

Broken Memory Fragment *60
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Shining Will+4 *1

Intermediate Will Amulet Voucher *1

Result Combination

How-to Get Memory Crystal Combination

In order to get Memory Crystal, you must already have T6 and T7 gems and combine them with 1 broken memory crystal in HERO NPC. With Memory Crystal you can get higher chance successful combination than use broken memory fragment to combine Shining Passion and Shining Will.

How to Combine

Go to HERO NPC in your HQ, and click Combination menu.


  • Brilliant Lucky Gem
  • Shiny Lucky Gem
  • Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon
  • Briliant Gem Set Exchanger
  • Broken Memory Fragment

How to Get Memory Crystal Combination

Mat 1Mat 2Mat 3Mat 4Mat 5Result 100%

Brilliant Lucky Ruby *1

Brilliant Lucky Crystal *1

Brilliant Lucky Topaz *1

Brilliant Lucky Obsidian *1

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *18

Brilliant Lucky Ruby *5

Brilliant Lucky Crystal *5

Brilliant Lucky Topaz *5

Brilliant Lucky Obsidian *5

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *90

Shiny Ruby of Luck *1

Shiny Crystal of Luck *1

Shiny Gold Jade of Luck *1

Shiny Black Jade of Luck *1

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *4

Shiny Ruby of Luck *5

Shiny Crystal of Luck *5

Shiny Gold Jade of Luck *5

Shiny Black Jade of Luck *5

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *20
Material 1Material 2Result 100%

Briliant Gem Set Exchanger *1

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *18

Briliant Gem Set Exchanger *5

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *90

Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon *1

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *4

Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon *5

Broken Memory Fragment *1

Memory Crystal *20

Memory Crystal Combination

How to Combine

Go to HERO NPC in your HQ, and click Combination menu.


  • Various of Memory Crystal
  • 1 of passion ring rf online Shining Passion
  • or 1 of accessories ring and amulet rf online Shining Will

Shining Ring and Amulet with Memory Crystal Combination

Material 1Material 2ResultChance Rate

Memory Crystal *1
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion *1
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+1 *1

Memory Crystal *3
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+1 *1
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Shining Passion+2 *1

Memory Crystal *5
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+2 *1
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Shining Passion+3 *1

Memory Crystal *10
passion ring rf online
Shining Passion+3 *1
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Shining Passion+4 *1

Memory Crystal *15
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Shining Passion+4 *1

Intermediate Passion Accessories Voucher *1

Memory Crystal *1
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Shining Will *1
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Shining Will+1 *1

Memory Crystal *3
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Shining Will+1 *1
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Shining Will+2 *1

Memory Crystal *5
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Shining Will+2 *1
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Shining Will+3 *1

Memory Crystal *10
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Shining Will+3 *1
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Shining Will+4 *1

Memory Crystal *15
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Shining Will+4 *1

Intermediate Will Amulet Voucher *1

Result Combination

Failed Combination

Success Combination

Intermediate Accessories Voucher

You can combine this voucher in HERO NPC to exchange one of accessories (T2):

MaterialResult 100% success (Choose one of accessories)

Intermediate Passion Accessories Voucher *1
passion ring rf online Strong Passion
passion ring rf online Fierce Passion

Intermediate Will Amulet Voucher *1
accessories ring and amulet rf online Strong Will
accessories ring and amulet rf online Fierce Will

Choose between Fierce Passion or Strong Passion from Intermediate Passion Accessory Exchange Ticket in RF Online Remastered server Origin.

Upgrade to Higher Tier Passion and Will (Tier 3 / T3)

Upgrade Tier 2 Passion Ring and Will Amulet to Tier 3 to get better stats and make your character even stronger!

MaterialResult 100%
passion ring rf online
Strong Passion *2
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Immortal Passion
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Fierce Passion *2
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Burning Passion
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Strong Will *2
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Immortal Will
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Fierce Will *2
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Burning Will

Upgrade to Rare M Accessories

You can upgrade Tier 3 Passion and Will accessories to Rare M Accessories by using this following recipe:

AccessoriesDragon’s Holy WaterResult [Rare M] Accessories Voucher
passion ring rf online Burning Passion 50 Infernal Dragonborn Ring [Rare M] Exchange Ticket
passion ring rf online Immortal Passion 50 Infernal Dragonborn Ring [Rare M] Exchange Ticket
accessories ring and amulet rf online Burning Will 50 Infernal Dragonborn Amulet [Rare M] Exchange Ticket
accessories ring and amulet rf online Immortal Will 50 Infernal Dragonborn Amulet [Rare M] Exchange Ticket

Infernal Dragonborn Ring [Rare M] Exchange Ticket can be exchanged in Hero NPC to:

Infernal Dragonborn Amulet [Rare M] Exchange Ticket can be exchanged in Hero NPC to:
