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Last modified: July 16th, 2024

My Status Window

01 | Player’s HP/FP/SP

HThe base health point HP may change due to normal damages or potions. It is affected by the level and the defense skill
FFP, the amount of a player’s force, decreases when skills or forces are used. FP is affected by the force level of each skill branch
SSP is affected when running on stamina, jumping or using a particular skill. SP is directly related to ranged abilities (guns, bows) and melee attack abilities

02 | Armor Gauge

Armor gauge represent the durability of armor and it decreases once various talic upgrades are continuously attacked. represents the durability of armor and it decreases once various talic upgrades are continuously attacked

Defense Gauge explained on here : Defense Gauge

Battle Mode

The battle mode is a system in which a player is in battle and is subject to restrictions for returns. Consequently, a player can enjoy even tenser battles.

Battle ModePeace Mode
Conversion Conditions– Point at which a player attacks
– Point at which a player is attacked
(includes miss and block)
– Point at which a character is not attacked for 15 seconds after its last strike
– Point at which a character is not attacked 10 seconds after its last strike
Restrictions– Restricted Logout
– A player cannot exit or logout game
– Restricted item use (cannot use teleport portal)
– Restricted using jetpack
– No restrictions


Important announcements or alarms are displayed like LED lights. Please keep an eye on these important messages even in battles or hunts.


01 | Location

Name of the current location is displayed

02 | Time Information

Displays the Sun when the current time is the day and the moon for the night

03 | Status Event Running

The clock button displays what event running, for example on the screenshot: Neutral Keeper (Powerless Holy Stone Keeper) spawned.

04 | Zoom in or Zoom out

Zoom in and Zoom out the Main Radar to display more players in the area near the character.

05A | Mailbox

Open the mailbox feature, to show what mail you got and send mail.

05B | Map

The map allows you to scan the current location. Available only when there is a map to the current location. (Hotkey M or CTRL + M)

06 | Close the Radar

Radar can be closed by click this X button


Types of chat

[All]Displays all types of chatting
[Party]Displays only chatting within a party
[Guild]Displays only chatting within a party
[Notice]Displays only notices.
Chatting OptionControl detailed options related to the chatting window
Scroll BarScroll up to view the chatting history
Adjust Chatting Window LengthAdjust the length of the chatting window.
Click the button to extend or shorten the chatting window.
Close Chatting WindowClick to change the chatting window to the standard single-line chatting window
Input FieldEnter the text here.
Contents DisplayView messages communicated back and forth


01 | Text Chatting

This menu open text chat bar to allow you type text.

02 | Fireguard

This menu open a fireguard (2nd password), you can change the current password with this menu.

03 | Experience

The current experience are displayed in numbers.

04 | Convert Mode

This icon converts action-related models of the current character.

05 | Item Belt

Functional icons (skills, forces, actions, items) can be configured by drag and drop for later use using F1-F10 hotkeys. Up to five sets of item belts are available each of wihich can be set with hotkeys by clicking the arrow button to the left of the belts. Press the TAB button to skip to the next set of item belt.

06 | Main Menu

These menus provide options to general functions and items.

Icon main-menu described below:

Main Menu
Character InformationCheck out the character-related information (hotkey C)
SkillsCheck out the skills your character is able to use (hotkey S)
PartyCheck out the party information (hotkey P)
GuildCheck out the guild information (hotkey G)
Journal / QuestCheck out the journal / quest information (hotkey J)
MacroCheck out the macro system is running right now (hotkey Y)
MailboxCheck out the mailbox (hotkey N)
CollectionCheck out your ID’s collection backpack (hotkey V)

07 | Inventory

You can open your inventory by clicking this icon, or use hotkey i

08 | Settings

You can open settings by clicking this icon, or use hotkey O.

The settings information will displayed like this. You can change sound settings, GFX settings, Auto-target setting and Misc. Setting on here:

09 | Cash Shop

You can buy any cash shop items in cash shop. Click on cash shop icon to open.


This panel appears when a player needs to be alarmed including trade or party requests, job transfer alarm, order quests, and etc. Point the mouse cursor on the appeared image to read the details about it.

