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Levels and Skills (PT Points)

Last modified: July 16th, 2024

Level / SkillsThe key guide for you to settle the hostility among the three races!

In a typical MMORPG, levels indicate a player character’s degree of growth and maturity. Certain amounts of experience points are awarded for hunter monsters in the fields and levels will increase once these points reach a particular threshold.

  • 01 | Current Level
  • 02 | Experience percentage of current level
  • 03 | When converting the currency level experience into 100%, each unit slot represent 10% and the sky blue gauge inside each slot indicates 1%.


  • Hunting monsters
    • You can earn experience points from hunting monsters in two ways. One, you can hunt a monster and earn experience points directly proportional to the damage you dealt and two, you can earn experience points from taking down a monster completely. Thus, you gain experience for every damage point and additional experience for finishing. However, you can only earn experience points for monsters with red names.
  • Completing quests
    • You are given experience points for quest you have completed as rewards. Most quests involve killing monsters so it allows faster leveling up. Refer to Information on Quest for more details on quests.

TAKE A MOMENT! some quick tips
Be alert because you may lose experience points when you are killed by monsters.


When you level up in RF Online, you will come across turning points at which you can experience even more contents.

Level 4You are able to wear armors for the first time
Level 8When you’re dead, you will not be warped to the HQ of each town but you will ressurrect at the location to which you bond to each NPC (remember the location of ressurrection / save position)
Level 13You are able tp wear armor for the class you’ve chosen.
Level 15Accretians are able to use launchers for the first time
Level 30– You are able to do a first promotion.
– You are able to use the Accretia Siege kit (for Accretian)
– You are able to build guard towers.
– You are able to bury mines.
– For pure classes, you are able to use the class skill.
– You are able to create a guild.
Level 35You can get on the Kartella transport ship headed to Ether, or you can use the portal ether, buy its in Foreign Vendor NPC.
Level 40– You are able to do second promotion.
– You are able to enter Cauldron Volcano map
– For pure classes, you are able to use the secondary class skill.
– You are able to wear a booster/ jetpack/ cape
Level 45– You can go to Elan Plateau map. Use the portal Elan, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC.
Level 49– You can go to Beast Mountain map. Use the portal Beast Mountain, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Cauldron Volcano.
Level 50– You can go to Bio Laboratory 1st floor map. Use the portal Bio Lab 1st Floor, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Ether.
Level 51You can go to Outcast Exile map. Use the portal Outcast Exile, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Beast Mountain.
Level 61– You can go to Jetso Island map. Use the portal Jetso Island, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Races Settlements (117/Anaacade/Numerus).
– You can go to Wounded Island map. Use the portal Wounded Island buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Ether.
– You can go to Bio Laboratory 2nd floor map. Use the portal Bio Lab 2nd Floor, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Bio Lab 1st Floor.
Level 66You can go to Caravan Island map. Use the portal Jetso Island, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC or access from Wounded Island using the caravan’s key.
Level 69You can go to Hidden Land of Elf map. Use the portal Elf map, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC or access from Sette Desert.
Level 75You have reached the maximum level.


Simply put, growth is a quantified notion of how much a character has used a particular skill and it is designed to be used to shape the character, which is a new notion of character growth exclusive to RF Online.


Close rangeSkill Growth

Increase every time you use a melee weapon and the melee weapon attack also increases.

Range Skill Growth

Increase every time you use a range weapon and the range weapon attack also increases.

Race Specialization Hrowth (unit/summoning/launcher)

Unit growth : Increase when a Bellato driver maneuvers a unit (goliath, catapult, etc.)

Summoning growth : Increase when a Cora summoner uses a summoned.

Launcher growth : Increase when an Accretian uses a launcher.

Force Skill Growth

Increases every time you use a force and the force attack also increases.

Shield Skill Growth

Increases every time a shield blocks and the shield block rate also increases.

Defense Skill Growth

Increases every time you are attacked by an enemy and the character’s HP also increases.

Production Growth

Production growth is only realizable by the specialist of each race and it increases every time you produce weapons/shields, armors, and ammunitions. Higher growth allows you to produce items of higher levels at a higher probability of success.


Skill (force) growths increases proportionally to the frequency at which you use particular skills (forces) Higher growth means that a skill is more effective.

  • Maximum growth of each grade: 99/99 PT
  • Maximum growth of each skill (force): Lv 7 (GM)