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Last modified: July 16th, 2024

What are Forces?

Forces are spells that can either be used for offense or support. They can alter the abilities and the environment of oneself or others.


There are a total of six Force Classes: Holy, Dark, Fire, Aqua, Terra, and Wind. Each class is split into Basic, Expert, Elite, and Master Forces.

Using Forces

Your character needs to be equipped with Forces in order to use them. You can buy Basic and Expert Force reavers from the “FORCE” NPC at your race’s HQ. Monsters will sometimes drop Force reavers as well. You can also gain more types of Force after being class promoted.

Open the Force window by pressing “F” or “CTRL + F”. Drag the Force reavers from your character’s inventory into the Force window. Afterwards, you may drag the Forces from the Force window and load it onto your shortcut belt. Left -click on a target (monster, opponents, members from your own race, etc). Right click on the Force you wish to use from the Force window to use it.

To use Buffs on yourself, simply double-right-click the Force from your belt.


You can level up each force by letting your character use them. The higher your Force level, the stronger your Force. You can level up each force to a maximum of level 7, also known as the Grand Master (GM) level.

The percentage shown below shows how far the Force is away from leveling up.

You can start using Expert Forces after increasing your Basic Forces to at 30 PT. Elite Forces can be used after both your Basic and Expert Forces reach 50 PT.


Holy – Mostly consists of Buffs
Fire – Consists of the most aggressive offense Forces
Aqua – Mostly consists of offensive and Debuff Forces
Terra – Mostly consists of Forces that can damage multiple opponents at once.
Wind – Consists of a variety of Force types
Dark – Consist of Buffs
Note: Bellato cannot sue Dark Forces, and Cora cannot use Holy Forces. Accretia, on the other hand, cannot use any type of Forces whatsoever.


Force TypeDescription
Single AttackAttacks only your target
Slash AttackAttacks your target and other opponents behind it
Close Range DamageAttacks all opponents around you
Long Range DamageAttacks your target and all other oppenents near it
DebuffHinders opponent
BuffSupports target (gives support to yourself and your race)

List All of Force

HolyFocusBasicBuffIncrease Force Buff Duration
HolyEnergizeBasicBuffRestores SP
HolySoul VitalityBasicBuffIncreases HP/FP recovery rate
HolyResistanceExpertBuffIncreases Elemental Resistance
HolyHealingExpertBuffRestore HP
HolyVelocityExpertBuffIncreases movement speed
HolyAgilityEliteBuffIncreases Dodge Rate
HolyAegisEliteBuffIncreases Defense
HolyConservationEliteBiffDecreases cost of Skills and Forces
FirePrism ShardBasicSingle Attack
FireFire WallBasicClose Range Damage
FireFire BallBasicSlash Attack
FireFlash BeamBasicLong Range Damage
FireFlame ArrowExpertSingle Attack
FireCircle of FireExpertClose Range Damage
FireFire BombExpertSlash Attack
FireRadiant FallExpertLong Range Damage
FireBlaze PearlEliteSingle Attack
FireSolar BladeEliteClose Range Damage
FireBlaze LanceEliteSlash Attack
FireMeteor SwarmEliteLong Range Damage
AquaIce ShardBasicSingle Attack
AquaGeyserBasicSlash Attack
AquaBlind SightBasicDebuffDecreases opponen’s range of its Sight Buff
AquaWeaknessBasicDebuffDecreases opponent’s defense
AquaFrost ArrowExpertSlash Attack
AquaAqua BladeExpertSlash Attack
AquaRaging WaveEliteSingle Attack
AquaFrost NovaEliteClose Range Damage
TerraVein FallBasicSingle Attack
TerraPoison MistBasicLong Range Damage
TerraSuppressBasicDebuffOpponent cannot use Force Buff
TerraRepressBasicDebuffOpponent cannot use Force Debuffs
TerraRock BladeExpertSingle Attack
TerraPoison BloomExpertLong Range Damage
TerraStifleExpertDebuffOpponent cannot use Skill buffs
TerraEntangleExpertDebuffRestains opponent from running
TerraVenomEliteSingle Attack
TerraSand StormEliteSlash Attack
TerraRestrainEliteDebuffRestrains opponent from using Skill attacks
TerraContainEliteDebuffRestrains opponent from using Force attacks
WindSparkBasicSingle Attack
WindWind ShearBasicClose Range Damage Attack
WindCounterBasicDebuffRemove a single Skill buff from opponent
WindDispelBasicDebuffRemove a single Force buff from opponent
WindLightning BoltExpertSingle Attack
WindAir BlastExpertClose Range Damage Attack
WindRefreshExpertBuffRemove Debuffs
WindSightExpertBuffSee invisible opponents
WindWind BlastEliteSingle Attack
WindChain LightningEliteLong Range Damage
WindIndividual Cancellation
/ Skill Revoker
WindOffensive Cancellation
/ Force Revoker
DarkCelerityBasicBuffIncrease melee attack speed
DarkSacrificeBasicBuffTurns HP into FP
DarkTempoBasicBuffDecreases Force cast delay
DarkAdeptExpertBuffIncrease Force Attack Power
DarkVistaExpertBuffIncrease Force Attack distance
/ Speed
ExpertBuffIncrease movement speed
DarkAcuteEliteBuffIncrease accuracy
DarkTormentEliteDebuffDecrease opponent’s HP, FP, and SP
DarkConservationEliteBuffDecrease FP cost of Skill and Forces

