Skill/Force Buffs and Debuffs

In RF Online, Skill and Force Buffs and Debuffs are important to strengthened your character like boosting attack power and defense, increase critical attacks, movement speed, force range, and etc.

Note: Table best viewed in Desktop (PC)

Skill Buffs


ImageNameTypeTargetLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6GMEffects
Wild RageBuffSelf+10%+12%+15%+18%+21%+25%+30%Increase Attack Power (Melee only)
AccuracyBuffSelf+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Accuracy (Melee only)
Wide RangeBuffSelf+5+10+15+20+25+30+35Increase Attack Range (Melee only)
Skill StretchBuffSelf+20%+30%+40%+50%+65%+80%+100%Increase Skill Buffs Duration
Counter AttackBuffSelf5%7%10%12%15%18%20%Chance to dodge an attack and strike back
Guard BreakBuffSelf5%7%10%12%15%18%20%Chance to ignore the target’s block rate
Bull’s EyeBuffSelf+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Critical Hit Chance (All weapons)
Duration of buff901402103204807201080


ImageNameTypeTargetLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6GMEffects
Fast ReloadBuffSelf-0.8s-0.9s-1.0s-1.1s-1.2s-1.3s-1.4sDecrease Attack Delay (Ranged only)
PrecisionBuffSelf+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Accuracy (Ranged only)
Wide RangeBuffSelf+10+20+30+45+60+75+100Increase Attack Range (Ranged only)
EvasionBuffSelf+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Dodge
CrossfireBuffSelf+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Critical Hit Chance (All weapons)
Duration of buff901402103204807201080


Skill Bulls Eye Increasing Critical Attack for any weapon you use
Crossfire Skill Increasing Critical Attack for any weapon you use

In RF Online last update 4.55, Bulls Eye and Crossfire removed from default warrior / ranger skill instead you must do 2nd promotion class to get Bulls Eye for Warrior, Crossfire for Ranger.

Skill Counter Attack increasing miss for Warrior and character will do counter-attack with weapon he is using.

Force Buff and Debuff

Holy Force (only for Bellato Union)

ImageNameTypeTargetLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6GMEffects
BlessBuffSelf, Allies+20%+30%+40%+50%+65%+80%+100%Extends the duration of Force Buffs
RestorationBuffSelf, Allies20%25%30%40%60%70%100%Recovers a percentage of the target’s SP
Soul BalladBuffSelf, Allies+50%+100%+120%+140%+160%+180%+200%Increase the HP/FP recovery rate
Elemental ResistBuffSelf, Allies+1+2+3+4+5+7+15Increase Elemental Resistance
HealingBuffSelf, Allies10%12%15%18%21%25%30%Recovers a percentage of target’s HP
Velocity (Speed)BuffSelf, Allies+1.0+1.1+1.2+1.4+1.6+1.8+2.0Increase Movement Speed
AgilityBuffSelf, Allies+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Dodge
Holy ShieldBuffSelf, Allies+10%+12%+15%+18%+21%+25%+30%Increase Defense
Effective ConsumeBuffSelf, Allies-5%-10%-15%-20%-25%-30%-35%Decrease FP Requirements for Force Skills, Buffs and Debuffs
Duration of buff901402103204807201080

Dark Force Buff (only for Holy Cora Alliance)

ImageNameTypeTargetLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6GMEffects
ExertionBuffSelf, Allies-0.10s-0.12s-0.15s-0.18s-0.21s-0.25s-0.30sIncrease Attack Power (Melee only)
ApproachingBuffSelf, Allies10%12%15%18%21%25%30%Increase Accuracy (Melee only)
MightyBuffSelf, Allies-0.1s-0.2s-0.4s-0.7s-1.1s-1.6s-2.2sIncrease Attack Range (Melee only)
Broad OutlookBuffSelf, Allies+10%+12%+15%+18%+21%+25%+30%Increase Skill Buffs Duration
CelerityBuffSelf, Allies+50+50+50+50+50+50+50Chance to dodge an attack and strike back
Velocity (Speed)BuffSelf, Allies+1.0+1.1+1.2+1.4+1.6+1.8+2.0Chance to ignore the target’s block rate
AcuteBuffSelf, Allies+10+12+15+18+21+25+30Increase Critical Hit Chance (All weapons)
Effective ConsumeBuffSelf, Allies-5%-10%-15%-20%-25%-30%-35%Decrease FP Requirements for Force Skills, Buffs and Debuffs
Duration of buff901402103204807201080

Force Debuff

ImageNameTypeTargetLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6GMEffects
Hell BlessDebuffEnemy, Monster-100/s-100/s-100/s-100/s-100/s-100/s-100/sDrains the target’s HP/FP/SP every second
Blind SightDebuffEnemy-200-230-260-290-310-350-400Reduce the enemy’s field of view
WeaknessDebuffEnemy, Monster-12.5%-25%-37.5%-50%-62.5%-75%-87.5%Reduce the target’s Defense
VulnerabilityDebuffEnemy, Monster-25-35-45-55-65-75-100Reduce the target’s Elemental Resistance
EnfeeblementDebuffEnemy, Monster-12.5%-25%-37.5%-50%-62.5%-75%-87.5%Reduce the target’s Attack Power
SlothDebuffEnemy, Monster-10
Reduce Accuracy
Reduce Dodge
SlowDebuffEnemy, Monster+0.10s
Increase Attack Delay
Increase Cooldown of Force Buff/Debuffs
Duration of Debuff30364554637590

Moving Around



To move your character, place the mouse cursor where you want your character to move to and click the left mouse button. Note that your character cannot go to places blocked by obstacles or ground levels to o highor too low.


Walking Mode

Running Mode


In RF Online, your character can either [RUN] or [WALK]. You can move faster by running but that would consume SP (Stamina Points). On the other hand, walking does not use up SP but you would be moving much slower. The default setting is configured to the running mode, which you can toggle on and off with hotkey W or CTRL +W.



You can either move by controlling or by using a portal. Portals are handy when you need to move long distances. First, when you move your character to a portal, a menu appears in which you can select a destination. Click on the destination to which you wish to move.



There’s a much faster way to hurry back to the town or returning from hunting in fields than walking. You can do it by using the “Return Scroll”. To use this item, open the inventory window, and then click the right mouse button to instantly go to the town. Since this item is consumable, always check that you actually have it.

You can back to HQ instantly using this item [Accretia HQ, Bellato HQ, Cora HQ]. Purchasable in Sundries NPC.

You can also back to hunting map by purchase portals item in Foreign Vendor.

Camera Angles

Explaining the point of view



Five camera angles are available for selection in the option interface (CTRL + O)


You may not shift your view up or down in this zoomed-in 3rd person view.


Shifting the view point is easier in the zoomed-out 3rd person view (The default view point)

03 | 1st POINT VIEW

View point of the character. Shifting the view up/down or zooming in/out is not allowed. (Zoomed-in 1st person)

04 | 1st PERSON VIEW

Allows you to experience the taste of a real FPS game. You may not zoom in/out using the mouse wheel.


Similar to the 3rd person view (zoomed-out 3rd person), you may not shift the view up/down.


Press K or CTRL + K to change to point of view to the satellite view. This point of view is useful when scanning a broader range of landscape or identifying monster dispersion by zooming in and out and rotating left to right.

Using Items


To use an item, open the inventory window, place the mouse cursor on the item you wish to use, and then click the right mouse button. (Including consumable items)

Using only the mouse in the game will not allow the control for a more stylish action. Item belts come in handy so that you can use the designated to use items. Using items through the item belt will offer a quicker and convenient gaming environment.

02 | USE from ITEM BELT

You can hotkeys for up to 10 items per one set and there are a total of 5 sets. Therefore, you may set hotkeys for a total of 50 items.

01 | Expand/Compress/Reset Item Belt

  • Expand Button – All activated item belts appear when clicked
  • Compress Button – Only one line of item belt appears when clicked
  • Reset Button – Deactivated item belts all become activated when clicked

02 | Belt Number

Shows the current belt number. You may sacn through belts by hitting TAB or clicking the arrow button.

03 | Activation Button

Click the X mark to deactivate expanded belts. Deactivated item belts are not seen when using TAB to scroll through other item belts.

04 | Hotkey

Use F1~F10 as 10 hotkeys to use items. [Clicking the ‘\’ button will switch the hotkeys to and from function keys (F1~F10) and number keys (1~10)


STEP 1 | Select an Item

Clicking an item to move the item belt will turn the mouse cursor into a zoomed image of that particular item. Removing an item from the item belt is done through a reserve of the above steps. When moving an item within the item belt, the item will automatically replace the existing item.

STEP 2 | Select an item belt

Place the mouse over the slot in the item belt and click to place an item. Items designated to an item belt will be linked with short cuts seen on top of the items.

STEP 3 | Use an item

Click or press the hotkey to an item to use the item.



Left click the mouse on an item you wish to wear to see the mouse pointer change into that item.


Parts you can wear will overlap in a yellow box when you click an item. Click the left mouse button to wear them.

Not all items can be worn freely. The below conditions need to be met in order to wear an item.



Monsters will drop items or booties on the ground when killed. Players can obtain these items. To obtan them, press X or hit the space bar or place the cursor on an item on the ground and click.

TAKE A MOMENT! some quick tips
If you can’t seem to obtain an item, check the following circumstances.
– You may not have the right or it may be an item discarded by a different race
– Your mouse pointer may be in the skill / force casting ready state
– Your Inventory may be full


Click on an item you would like to dispose of and then click the mouse once again on the field screen. The discarded item will disappear after being left in the field for a certain amount of time.

TAKE A MOMENT! some quick tips

Always make sure you really don’t need the item before getting rid of it


My Status Window

01 | Player’s HP/FP/SP

HThe base health point HP may change due to normal damages or potions. It is affected by the level and the defense skill
FFP, the amount of a player’s force, decreases when skills or forces are used. FP is affected by the force level of each skill branch
SSP is affected when running on stamina, jumping or using a particular skill. SP is directly related to ranged abilities (guns, bows) and melee attack abilities

02 | Armor Gauge

Armor gauge represent the durability of armor and it decreases once various talic upgrades are continuously attacked. represents the durability of armor and it decreases once various talic upgrades are continuously attacked

Defense Gauge explained on here : Defense Gauge

Battle Mode

The battle mode is a system in which a player is in battle and is subject to restrictions for returns. Consequently, a player can enjoy even tenser battles.

Battle ModePeace Mode
Conversion Conditions– Point at which a player attacks
– Point at which a player is attacked
(includes miss and block)
– Point at which a character is not attacked for 15 seconds after its last strike
– Point at which a character is not attacked 10 seconds after its last strike
Restrictions– Restricted Logout
– A player cannot exit or logout game
– Restricted item use (cannot use teleport portal)
– Restricted using jetpack
– No restrictions


Important announcements or alarms are displayed like LED lights. Please keep an eye on these important messages even in battles or hunts.


01 | Location

Name of the current location is displayed

02 | Time Information

Displays the Sun when the current time is the day and the moon for the night

03 | Status Event Running

The clock button displays what event running, for example on the screenshot: Neutral Keeper (Powerless Holy Stone Keeper) spawned.

04 | Zoom in or Zoom out

Zoom in and Zoom out the Main Radar to display more players in the area near the character.

05A | Mailbox

Open the mailbox feature, to show what mail you got and send mail.

05B | Map

The map allows you to scan the current location. Available only when there is a map to the current location. (Hotkey M or CTRL + M)

06 | Close the Radar

Radar can be closed by click this X button


Types of chat

[All]Displays all types of chatting
[Party]Displays only chatting within a party
[Guild]Displays only chatting within a party
[Notice]Displays only notices.
Chatting OptionControl detailed options related to the chatting window
Scroll BarScroll up to view the chatting history
Adjust Chatting Window LengthAdjust the length of the chatting window.
Click the button to extend or shorten the chatting window.
Close Chatting WindowClick to change the chatting window to the standard single-line chatting window
Input FieldEnter the text here.
Contents DisplayView messages communicated back and forth


01 | Text Chatting

This menu open text chat bar to allow you type text.

02 | Fireguard

This menu open a fireguard (2nd password), you can change the current password with this menu.

03 | Experience

The current experience are displayed in numbers.

04 | Convert Mode

This icon converts action-related models of the current character.

05 | Item Belt

Functional icons (skills, forces, actions, items) can be configured by drag and drop for later use using F1-F10 hotkeys. Up to five sets of item belts are available each of wihich can be set with hotkeys by clicking the arrow button to the left of the belts. Press the TAB button to skip to the next set of item belt.

06 | Main Menu

These menus provide options to general functions and items.

Icon main-menu described below:

Main Menu
Character InformationCheck out the character-related information (hotkey C)
SkillsCheck out the skills your character is able to use (hotkey S)
PartyCheck out the party information (hotkey P)
GuildCheck out the guild information (hotkey G)
Journal / QuestCheck out the journal / quest information (hotkey J)
MacroCheck out the macro system is running right now (hotkey Y)
MailboxCheck out the mailbox (hotkey N)
CollectionCheck out your ID’s collection backpack (hotkey V)

07 | Inventory

You can open your inventory by clicking this icon, or use hotkey i

08 | Settings

You can open settings by clicking this icon, or use hotkey O.

The settings information will displayed like this. You can change sound settings, GFX settings, Auto-target setting and Misc. Setting on here:

09 | Cash Shop

You can buy any cash shop items in cash shop. Click on cash shop icon to open.


This panel appears when a player needs to be alarmed including trade or party requests, job transfer alarm, order quests, and etc. Point the mouse cursor on the appeared image to read the details about it.



What are Forces?

Forces are spells that can either be used for offense or support. They can alter the abilities and the environment of oneself or others.


There are a total of six Force Classes: Holy, Dark, Fire, Aqua, Terra, and Wind. Each class is split into Basic, Expert, Elite, and Master Forces.

Using Forces

Your character needs to be equipped with Forces in order to use them. You can buy Basic and Expert Force reavers from the “FORCE” NPC at your race’s HQ. Monsters will sometimes drop Force reavers as well. You can also gain more types of Force after being class promoted.

Open the Force window by pressing “F” or “CTRL + F”. Drag the Force reavers from your character’s inventory into the Force window. Afterwards, you may drag the Forces from the Force window and load it onto your shortcut belt. Left -click on a target (monster, opponents, members from your own race, etc). Right click on the Force you wish to use from the Force window to use it.

To use Buffs on yourself, simply double-right-click the Force from your belt.


You can level up each force by letting your character use them. The higher your Force level, the stronger your Force. You can level up each force to a maximum of level 7, also known as the Grand Master (GM) level.

The percentage shown below shows how far the Force is away from leveling up.

You can start using Expert Forces after increasing your Basic Forces to at 30 PT. Elite Forces can be used after both your Basic and Expert Forces reach 50 PT.


Holy – Mostly consists of Buffs
Fire – Consists of the most aggressive offense Forces
Aqua – Mostly consists of offensive and Debuff Forces
Terra – Mostly consists of Forces that can damage multiple opponents at once.
Wind – Consists of a variety of Force types
Dark – Consist of Buffs
Note: Bellato cannot sue Dark Forces, and Cora cannot use Holy Forces. Accretia, on the other hand, cannot use any type of Forces whatsoever.


Force TypeDescription
Single AttackAttacks only your target
Slash AttackAttacks your target and other opponents behind it
Close Range DamageAttacks all opponents around you
Long Range DamageAttacks your target and all other oppenents near it
DebuffHinders opponent
BuffSupports target (gives support to yourself and your race)

List All of Force

HolyFocusBasicBuffIncrease Force Buff Duration
HolyEnergizeBasicBuffRestores SP
HolySoul VitalityBasicBuffIncreases HP/FP recovery rate
HolyResistanceExpertBuffIncreases Elemental Resistance
HolyHealingExpertBuffRestore HP
HolyVelocityExpertBuffIncreases movement speed
HolyAgilityEliteBuffIncreases Dodge Rate
HolyAegisEliteBuffIncreases Defense
HolyConservationEliteBiffDecreases cost of Skills and Forces
FirePrism ShardBasicSingle Attack
FireFire WallBasicClose Range Damage
FireFire BallBasicSlash Attack
FireFlash BeamBasicLong Range Damage
FireFlame ArrowExpertSingle Attack
FireCircle of FireExpertClose Range Damage
FireFire BombExpertSlash Attack
FireRadiant FallExpertLong Range Damage
FireBlaze PearlEliteSingle Attack
FireSolar BladeEliteClose Range Damage
FireBlaze LanceEliteSlash Attack
FireMeteor SwarmEliteLong Range Damage
AquaIce ShardBasicSingle Attack
AquaGeyserBasicSlash Attack
AquaBlind SightBasicDebuffDecreases opponen’s range of its Sight Buff
AquaWeaknessBasicDebuffDecreases opponent’s defense
AquaFrost ArrowExpertSlash Attack
AquaAqua BladeExpertSlash Attack
AquaRaging WaveEliteSingle Attack
AquaFrost NovaEliteClose Range Damage
TerraVein FallBasicSingle Attack
TerraPoison MistBasicLong Range Damage
TerraSuppressBasicDebuffOpponent cannot use Force Buff
TerraRepressBasicDebuffOpponent cannot use Force Debuffs
TerraRock BladeExpertSingle Attack
TerraPoison BloomExpertLong Range Damage
TerraStifleExpertDebuffOpponent cannot use Skill buffs
TerraEntangleExpertDebuffRestains opponent from running
TerraVenomEliteSingle Attack
TerraSand StormEliteSlash Attack
TerraRestrainEliteDebuffRestrains opponent from using Skill attacks
TerraContainEliteDebuffRestrains opponent from using Force attacks
WindSparkBasicSingle Attack
WindWind ShearBasicClose Range Damage Attack
WindCounterBasicDebuffRemove a single Skill buff from opponent
WindDispelBasicDebuffRemove a single Force buff from opponent
WindLightning BoltExpertSingle Attack
WindAir BlastExpertClose Range Damage Attack
WindRefreshExpertBuffRemove Debuffs
WindSightExpertBuffSee invisible opponents
WindWind BlastEliteSingle Attack
WindChain LightningEliteLong Range Damage
WindIndividual Cancellation
/ Skill Revoker
WindOffensive Cancellation
/ Force Revoker
DarkCelerityBasicBuffIncrease melee attack speed
DarkSacrificeBasicBuffTurns HP into FP
DarkTempoBasicBuffDecreases Force cast delay
DarkAdeptExpertBuffIncrease Force Attack Power
DarkVistaExpertBuffIncrease Force Attack distance
/ Speed
ExpertBuffIncrease movement speed
DarkAcuteEliteBuffIncrease accuracy
DarkTormentEliteDebuffDecrease opponent’s HP, FP, and SP
DarkConservationEliteBuffDecrease FP cost of Skill and Forces



Chatting / Friend Learn what it takes to survive in Novus, the land of hope and death

01 | TYPE of CHAT

Types of chatting in RF Online are as follows:

Normal ChatActivate the chatting window (then press Enter) and then type in what you want to say
Whisper/ID hello
(Ex: /ID hello whats up?)
Party Chat/party text
(Ex: /party hello party members)
Guild Chat/guild text
(Ex: /guild hello guild members)
Map Chat/map text (to all within the current map)
(Ex: /map hello all)
Race Chat/race text (only for available to archon)
(Ex: /race hello all)
All chat/all text
Every connected player in the same race reads this chat.
(1,000 unit currency is spent per message)
(Ex: /all can everyone see this?)
Buy chat/buy text
(Ex: /buy WTB> intense akeron +7 pls wm)
Sell/sell text
(Ex: /sell WTS> favor and ignorant talic wm me)


Types of chat

[All]Displays all types of chatting
[Party]Displays only chatting within a party
[Guild]Displays only chatting within a party
[Notice]Displays only notices.
Chatting OptionControl detailed options related to the chatting window
Scroll BarScroll up to view the chatting history
Adjust Chatting Window LengthAdjust the length of the chatting window.
Click the button to extend or shorten the chatting window.
Close Chatting WindowClick to change the chatting window to the standard single-line chatting window
Input FieldEnter the text here.
Contents DisplayView messages communicated back and forth


What are buddies?

A system in which you can share the current location or connection status by saving close fiends or neighbors to your address book. This allows you to form communities at ease.

Layout of Interface

Add friends or view information on friends you’ve added

View information on members of the guild you are associated with

View a list of players you blocked for chatting and whisper.

Adding a Buddy

To send an add friend request to a player, click the [Add Friend] button under the buddy menu and enter directly or click on a player to add while pressing CTRL and then click on [Add Friend] from the character interface.

Accepting the request will add each other to friends.

>> To remove a friend, click [Remove] button of the friend list.

Once Added to Buddy

Users in the buddy list can see the following information

  1. Alert at connection and exit
  2. Current location


Use when you want to block the chatting with a player. To block, click the [Add] button under the block menu and enter the name of the player you wish to block.

Whisper Block : You can confirm /set whisper blocks

Chating Block : You can confirm/set all chatting (normal, map chatting, and etc)

Levels and Skills (PT Points)

Level / SkillsThe key guide for you to settle the hostility among the three races!

In a typical MMORPG, levels indicate a player character’s degree of growth and maturity. Certain amounts of experience points are awarded for hunter monsters in the fields and levels will increase once these points reach a particular threshold.

  • 01 | Current Level
  • 02 | Experience percentage of current level
  • 03 | When converting the currency level experience into 100%, each unit slot represent 10% and the sky blue gauge inside each slot indicates 1%.


  • Hunting monsters
    • You can earn experience points from hunting monsters in two ways. One, you can hunt a monster and earn experience points directly proportional to the damage you dealt and two, you can earn experience points from taking down a monster completely. Thus, you gain experience for every damage point and additional experience for finishing. However, you can only earn experience points for monsters with red names.
  • Completing quests
    • You are given experience points for quest you have completed as rewards. Most quests involve killing monsters so it allows faster leveling up. Refer to Information on Quest for more details on quests.

TAKE A MOMENT! some quick tips
Be alert because you may lose experience points when you are killed by monsters.


When you level up in RF Online, you will come across turning points at which you can experience even more contents.

Level 4You are able to wear armors for the first time
Level 8When you’re dead, you will not be warped to the HQ of each town but you will ressurrect at the location to which you bond to each NPC (remember the location of ressurrection / save position)
Level 13You are able tp wear armor for the class you’ve chosen.
Level 15Accretians are able to use launchers for the first time
Level 30– You are able to do a first promotion.
– You are able to use the Accretia Siege kit (for Accretian)
– You are able to build guard towers.
– You are able to bury mines.
– For pure classes, you are able to use the class skill.
– You are able to create a guild.
Level 35You can get on the Kartella transport ship headed to Ether, or you can use the portal ether, buy its in Foreign Vendor NPC.
Level 40– You are able to do second promotion.
– You are able to enter Cauldron Volcano map
– For pure classes, you are able to use the secondary class skill.
– You are able to wear a booster/ jetpack/ cape
Level 45– You can go to Elan Plateau map. Use the portal Elan, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC.
Level 49– You can go to Beast Mountain map. Use the portal Beast Mountain, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Cauldron Volcano.
Level 50– You can go to Bio Laboratory 1st floor map. Use the portal Bio Lab 1st Floor, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Ether.
Level 51You can go to Outcast Exile map. Use the portal Outcast Exile, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Beast Mountain.
Level 61– You can go to Jetso Island map. Use the portal Jetso Island, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Races Settlements (117/Anaacade/Numerus).
– You can go to Wounded Island map. Use the portal Wounded Island buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Ether.
– You can go to Bio Laboratory 2nd floor map. Use the portal Bio Lab 2nd Floor, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC, or access from Bio Lab 1st Floor.
Level 66You can go to Caravan Island map. Use the portal Jetso Island, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC or access from Wounded Island using the caravan’s key.
Level 69You can go to Hidden Land of Elf map. Use the portal Elf map, buy the portal item in Foreign Vendor NPC or access from Sette Desert.
Level 75You have reached the maximum level.


Simply put, growth is a quantified notion of how much a character has used a particular skill and it is designed to be used to shape the character, which is a new notion of character growth exclusive to RF Online.


Close rangeSkill Growth

Increase every time you use a melee weapon and the melee weapon attack also increases.

Range Skill Growth

Increase every time you use a range weapon and the range weapon attack also increases.

Race Specialization Hrowth (unit/summoning/launcher)

Unit growth : Increase when a Bellato driver maneuvers a unit (goliath, catapult, etc.)

Summoning growth : Increase when a Cora summoner uses a summoned.

Launcher growth : Increase when an Accretian uses a launcher.

Force Skill Growth

Increases every time you use a force and the force attack also increases.

Shield Skill Growth

Increases every time a shield blocks and the shield block rate also increases.

Defense Skill Growth

Increases every time you are attacked by an enemy and the character’s HP also increases.

Production Growth

Production growth is only realizable by the specialist of each race and it increases every time you produce weapons/shields, armors, and ammunitions. Higher growth allows you to produce items of higher levels at a higher probability of success.


Skill (force) growths increases proportionally to the frequency at which you use particular skills (forces) Higher growth means that a skill is more effective.

  • Maximum growth of each grade: 99/99 PT
  • Maximum growth of each skill (force): Lv 7 (GM)


Skills Power that dwells within you


Skills are an element that allows characters to facilitate strategic plays with more powerful actions including critical attacks and instant boosting of fundamental abilities.


There are four major skill sets including melee skills specialized for warrior classes, range skills for ranger classes, item skills embedded in actual items, and finally class skills, which can be used after the first promotion. Also, each skill has four levels in the increasing order of [Beginner], [Novice], [Advanced], and [Expert]


In RF Online, you can achieve a maximum of level 7 (Grand Master). (Excluding item/class skills). Points go up every time a skill is used and when the points reach a certain limit, the skill level increases by one.

Skill become stronger as they ladder up the level. Each skill has [Basic], [Expert], and [Elite] levels where they must satisfy the conditions below in order to be used.

Basic skillsNeed 30 PT to open Expert skills
Expert skillsNeed 50 PT to open Elite skills
Elite skillsall skills opened

This skill level system are difference for Specialist job type, they must have 50 PT in Basic Skills to open Expert Skills, and Elite skills cannot be opened unless Specialist cross job to Warrior to open Warrior Elite skills or to Ranger to open Ranger Elite skills.



Mostly used by warrior classes, melee attacks deal powerful damage. You can diversify your attacks because there are different skills you can use for each weapon. There are two type of skills where:

  • Buff skills to amplify the abilities of the attacker with hard and accurate hits whereas
  • Offensive skills to do greater damage to enemies


Range skills are often used by ranger classes for striking enemis from long distances.

  • Buff skills allow more accurate and distant attacks whereas
  • Offensive skills have impactiful effects and damages, further divided into skills for bow class and firearm class.


Item skills are consisted of unique skills embedded in certain acquired items. For example, capes enable the booster skill so that a character wearing it moves faster as there are other specific items that posses different skills.


These are skills that can be used when a character is promoted to pure class. Skills specific to each job title will corner enemies to death.



Open the information window of skill/forces you wish to use (Skill : S / CTRL+S, Force : F/ CTRL+F) and click the right mouse button in the item belt or press the hotkey dedicated to an item belt to switch the mouse pointer to the “casting-ready” state.


Click the target (monster or other races for attack skills and self or same race for complementary skills) with the right mouse button to use a skill.

You can also put your skill / force in macro system or put in the skill bar like this screenshot:

Macro System

RF Online’s macro system allows you to create many shortcuts. Creating shortcuts are extremely useful and efficient. RF Online is largely consisted of “automatic potion”, “automatic action (skills, forces)”, and “automatic chatting”. To open up the macro menu, press Y or CTRL + Y, which will display the corresponding interface.

Automatic Potion

Automatic Potion is a macro system of which you can configure the settings so that you can automatically consume the three basic potions (HP / FP / SP) used in RF Online. The automatic potion function will not work when the particular potion has run out in your inventory.

1. Gauge bar: Indicates the map HP/ FP/ SP of the character. You can slide the scale so that you automatically drink a potion once the gauge drops beyond that point.
2. Set scale: The automatic potion function trigger when your HP/FP/ST drops beyond your set point. Use the arrows of the gage bar (1) to adjust.
3. Select potion: Select the potion in your inventory that you will automatically use

Automatic Action

Automatic action is a macro system in which you can configure all the actions (skills, forces, using items, and etc.) involved in RF Online. You can configure up to three groups of automatic action macros, each having at most 10 actions.It will run no matter what once you click the shortcut to automatic action after checking for delays. You can put any skill, force, and most items in these slots.

1. Shortcut to automatic action : You may set up three group and place them in the item belt or click the right mouse button to run the automatic action.
2. Macro settings: Place the actions of your choice in the slots to save them as action macros in the order of 1-10.

Automatic Chat

Automatic chat is a convenient function that comes handy for repetitive or sequential chats. You can use up to two groups of automatic chatting, each with at most five types of chatting. The chatting space is shared by all players. Please abide by the common manners and etiquettes.

  1. Shortcut to automatic chat: You may set up to two groups and place them in the item belt or click the right mouse button to run the automatic action macro.
  2. Enter your desired phrase in the empty slots to output them in the order of 1-5 with 30 second intervals.Mac