Update 4.151: Ataraxia Arrival

Patch NameUpdate 4.151
Ataraxia’s Arrival / Baalzebub
Applied toRF Online Global version
– RF Online KR CCRPlay
– RF Online ID Remastered
– RF Online PH,TH PlayPark
– RF Online|CCR原廠直營 HK,TW,MO
Features– Max Level: 75
– Special Race: New Animus, New Siege Kit, New MAU
– New Map: Hidden Land of Elf
– Reworked Daily Quest
– New Items, monsters, and crafting materials.
– Balancing weapon damage, skills.
– 3 Channels map, 12 party members, timer function, recovered HP, and many more.
,SummaryAtaraxia’s Arrival is major update applied to all RF Online version after Update 4.15: Age of Patron. Some players call it Baalzebub Patch, because there are lots of new feature, improvement, and balancing weapon from CCR.

RF Online: Baalzebub

Update 4.151

In this RF Online Update, there are many new features and content that are very interesting, starting from the new Animus, new MAU, new Siege Kit and many more. Curious about the Baalzebub Update in RF Online this time? Let’s see the details below.


In this Baalzebub Update, there will be various new content, one of which is the Race Special Class, where in this Race Special Class Update there will be a new Siege Kit for the Accretia Race, a new Animus for the Cora Race and a new MAU for the Bellato Race and here are the advantages of each Race Special Class in this Update:

New Siege Kit Baalzebub Level 75 for Accretia Race Launcher Class.

Here is the Status of the Baalzebub Siege Kit which can be purchased through the NPC Projectile Consumable Vendor in HQ, Some NPCs on different maps such as Hidden Elf Land also sell these kits.

Siege Kit Level 75 has a higher increase in Attack / Defense when compared to Siege Kit Level 70.

New MAU [Massive Armored Unit] Level 75 For Bellato Race Armor Rider Class

New Goliath MAU

Here are the differences between the status of Goliath 70 [Default] and Goliath 75 [Default]

The advantage of the MAU Goliath is that it has much higher defense and durability, but has weaker attacks when compared to the MAU Catapult.

New Catapult MAU

Here are the differences between the status of Catapult 70 [Default] and Catapult 75 [Default]

The advantage of the MAU Catapult is that it has much higher attacks and long-range attacks but has low defense and durability when compared to the MAU Goliath.

New Animus Level 75 For Cora Race Grazier Class

Here are the differences between the status of Paimon Level 70 and Paimon Level 75

The advantage of Animus Paimon is that it has very high Defense and is suitable as a tanker, but the disadvantage is that Animus Paimon’s attack is very low.

Here are the differences between the status of Hecate Level 70 and Hecate Level 75

The advantage of Animus Hecate is that it has a fairly fast attack speed and each attack has a chance to stun the enemy, but the disadvantage of Animus Hecate is that it has low attack and defense and is only suitable as a support attacker.

Here are the differences in status between Inana Level 70 and Inana Level 75

The advantage of Animus Inana is that it can help heal HP to its users and is suitable as a Support, Animus Inana has a very weak defense when compared to other Animus, for that reason it is recommended that Animus Inana should be in the back line.

Here are the differences in status between Isis Level 70 and Isis Level 75

The advantage of Animus Isis is that it has a much higher attack power when compared to other Animus. Animus Isis is more suitable as an attacker type Animus where it can help Patriot RF to destroy enemy defenses.


In the Baalzebub Update, of course, there will be lots of new features that can add to the enthusiasm of Patriot RF to play RF Online, starting from the Map Channel feature, NPC Buff, to the new Cooldown Skill display and here are the details.


To improve comfort when Patriot RF is leveling, in this Baalzebub Update, the Map Channel feature will be added to Neutral Maps such as Sette Desert, Elan, Beast Mountain, Outcast Island and other Maps. Here are the details:

  • Map Channel transfers can only be done through NPCs on each Neutral Map


Accretia – Blue
Bellato – Yellow
Cora – Green
Neutral (Any Race) – Red











  • Each map will be divided into 3 channels.
  • All Pit bosses, Herodian Machine Equipment & Illusion Pyramid will be summoned only in Channel 1.
  • Characters will automatically go to Channel 1 whenever a character uses scrolls and Cartella Ship.
  • Characters moving through a portal within the same map would still stay on the same channel. (Elite Training School & Caravan’s Time and Space)


In this update, now Patriot RF can get Support Buffs such as Agility, Holy Shield, Speed, Turbo Boost, etc. through NPC Buff to help Patriot RF explore Planet Novus easily in RF Online. NPC Buff can be found at each Race’s Headquarters and also on every Neutral Map.


Cora Race Premium Buff

Bellato Race Premium Buff

Accretia Race Premium Buff

*Note: NPC Buff [Premium] can only be accessed by Patriot RF who use Premium Service.


To help Patriot RF pick up dropped items from Monsters to save time and be more efficient, in this latest Update there will certainly be an Exclusive Item that is very helpful for picking up dropped items, namely Magnetic Jade. Magnetic Jade is a new Item that functions to pick up dropped items from monsters automatically without having to press the [Space] button.

List of Exclusive Premium Service Items That Have Been Added Magnetic Jade

Magnetic Jade Item Description

*Note: Magnetic Jade only works on Loot Items dropped from monsters and does not work for loot items from Pit Bosses and items dropped from other players.


This free armor set only given if your character premium services everytime you login to the game.

NOTE: Free Armor Set is only available from Level 40 to 60!


Premium Reward Exchange Coupons can be acquired from the Premium Manager NPC (located at HQ Portal) when you successfully reached 5 hours of login. Login hours don’t have to be straight.

Example: You acquired 2 hours on Tuesday and 3 hours on Wednesday. You’ll receive the coupon for Wednesday but you’ll need to wait for Thursday for a new coupon.


  • 1 Chocolate [Valentines Day Item] (1 pc of Premium Reward Exchange Coupon)
  • 1 50% EXP Gain Potion (1 pc of Premium Reward Exchange Coupon)
  • 1 Seed [6 Hrs] (5 pcs of Premium Reward Exchange Coupon)
  • 2 Talic’s Crystals (10 pcs of Premium Reward Exchange Coupon)
  • 30 Jewelry Boxes (15 pcs of Premium Reward Exchange Coupon)
  • 65 Jewelry Boxes (30 pcs of Premium Reward Exchange Coupon)

NOTE: Only 1 coupon can be acquired per day. Cut-off is every 5:00 AM!


Players can now see the Timer that is adjusted to its function starting from preparation for Chip War to mining. The Timer can be found in the Radar section as shown in the image below, and you can activate / deactivate the Timer:

Here are some Timer displays that are separated based on Chip War conditions.

Timer Chip War List


  1. Prep Time: Preparation time before Chip War starts and will be counted down
  2. Running Time: Time while Chip War is taking place
  3. Neutral Keeper: Status after Chip is destroyed. In this status, the character who successfully becomes Chip Breaker must bring Control Chip to the middle of the mine.
  4. Friendly / Hostile Keeper: Status where the Race that successfully brings Control Chip to the middle of the mine will become Friendly Keeper and must defend Friendly Keeper from enemy attacks. For the losing Race, this Timer is the time limit required to defeat Hostile Keeper
  5. Mining Time: This time only appears to players from the winning Race who successfully defend Friendly Keeper and can mine as long as Ore supplies are available.


If currently Patriot RF is confused about the level of the monster being fought, then in this Baalzebub Update there are changes to the Monster Target UI, where the target UI will be more detailed.

New Look of Monster UI Target

In addition, there are color differences in the writing of monster names based on character level in the new Target UI and the following are the categories:

Lv gapWarna
11 or abovePurple
7 ~ 10Red
3 ~ 6Orange
-3 ~ 3White
-6 ~ -4Charteuse
-7 ~ -10Green
-11 belowGray

New Interface Display When Character Knock Out

In this Baalzebub Update, there are also changes to the Interface when the Patriot RF Character is Knocked Out.In this new Interface, Patriot RF will not have a hard time finding the button to revive because the menu will appear in the middle of your monitor screen.


  1. Button to revive in place using the Quick Revival Potion Item
  2. Button to revive at your character’s Save Point
  3. Name of the Monster / Character that has defeated your character
  4. Display of Countdown Time for the character to revive automatically at the Save Point


To make it easier for Patriot RF to know how long the Skill / Buff Skill / Potion Cooldown is, in this Baalzebub Update the Skill Cooldown display has been adjusted by adding Cooldown time, so that Patriot RF can know which Skill / Buff Skill / Potion’s Cooldown is about to finish.


In this Baalzebub Update, of course, there are many changes and adjustments to improve comfort when playing RF Online. Starting from increasing the maximum amount of Race currency in the Inventory to adjusting some weapon damage to be more balanced and here are some of the Improvements in this Baalzebub Update



If previously Patriot RF could only collect a limited amount of Race currency, then in this Baalzebub Update the amount of currency that can be collected in the inventory and Bank is greater. Here are the details:

  • Increased maximum amount of Race Currency in the Inventory from 2,000,000,000 to 200,000,000,000
  • Increased maximum amount of Gold in the Inventory from 500,000 to 100,000,000
  • Increased maximum amount of Race Currency that can be stored in the Bank from 1,000,000,000 to 200,000,000,000
  • Increased maximum amount of Gold that can be stored in the Bank from 500,000 to 100,000,000

Maximum Currency in Inventory

Maximum Currency in Bank


Patriot RF can now store more items as the maximum number of pages in the Bank has been increased to 10 pages. To add a Bank page requires currency and also items, depending on the number of Bank pages you want to add. Here are the details

CP / Dalant / DisenaNeed 100,000 CurrencyOpen Storage 1st
CP / Dalant / DisenaNeed 500,000 CurrencyOpen Storage 2nd
CP / Dalant / DisenaNeed 1,000,000 CurrencyOpen Storage 3rd
CP / Dalant / DisenaNeed 2,000,000 CurrencyOpen Storage 4th
CP / Dalant / DisenaNeed 4,000,000 CurrencyOpen Storage 5th
Bronze Storage Key[Cash]Open 6th warehouse (bank) expansion
Bronze Storage Key[Cash]Open 7th warehouse (bank) expansion
Silver Storage Key[Cash]Open 8th warehouse (bank) expansion
Silver Storage Key[Cash]Open 9th warehouse (bank) expansion
Gold Storage Key[Cash]Open 10th warehouse (bank) expansion


With more number of items, you can store more items in your inventory/bank efficiently. You can also farm item loots from monsters more. From 99 to 200 !


There are adjustments to Expert and Elite Buff Skills in the following List:

  1. Counter Attack
  2. Shield Rupture
  3. Bull’s Eye
  4. Crossfire
    Previously, these Skills could be used by all basic Warrior and Ranger Jobs, but now these Skills can only be used by advanced Warrior and Ranger Jobs.

Punisher (Accretia), Berserker (Bellato), and Templar (Cora) now have MAGNETIC NET Skill.

A magnetized net that prevents the target from moving.


In the Baalzebub Update, Patriot RF can delete active Buff skill / Buff Force by pressing the right mouse button on the active Buff list on the right side of the screen. This function can make it easier for Patriot RF to set Buff and adjust the buff to the desired conditions.


Get ready to roll out with 4 more of your friends and guildmates (or the occasional Samaritan stranger). 12 members in a party can mean a whole new dynamic while loosening options for group slots on dedicated hunting teams

  • The maximum number of party members was increased from 8 to 12.
  • Bonus EXP of 12 members will be the same with 8 members (450%).

The following is a table of Bonus Experience that is obtained when players party with other players.

Number of Players In One PartyBonus Experience Obtained
1 Player100%
2 Players110%
3 Players150%
4 Players200%
5 Players250%
6 Players300%
7 Players350%
8 Players450%
9 Players450%
10 Players450%
11 Players450%
12 Players450%


In the Baalzebub Update there are several damage adjustments to weapons 57 to 75. Here are some examples of weapons that have undergone adjustments:

You can check list all Weapon Damage Adjustment Level 57 – 75 here


All ammunition functions on firearms, arrows and beam guns have been added attack status in the item description. The attack generated from Cash Shop ammunition is higher when compared to the damage of ammunition purchased from NPCs. Here are some examples of adjusted ammunition that can be seen in the Item description:

Regular Ranged Weapons Ammos

Accretia Specialist Ammos

For all Grenade Launcher ammunition in the Baalzebub Update this time, attack status and duration of the debuff effect caused by Grenade Launcher ammunition have been added, which players can see in the item description. The attack generated by Grenade Launcher ammunition purchased from the Cash Shop is higher than Grenade Launcher ammunition purchased from NPCs. Here are some examples of Grenade Launcher ammunition that have been added attack status and duration of the debuff effect:

Accretia’s Specialist Ammos: Stun Grenade ammunition in the Baalzebub Update this time, an area of effect (AoE) has been added to the resulting attack.


In this Baalzebub Update, there are adjustments to the MAU motion control where previously players could only control MAU using Mouse Mode, now players can control MAU movements using Keyboard Mode. There are additional attack descriptions on MAU ammunition, both ammunition from the main weapon and ammunition from the second weapon and here is an example of the ammunition description in this Baalzebub Update:

In this Baalzebub Update, there are also adjustments to the MAU Goliath attack, where previously the MAU Goliath attack was only effective on one enemy target, this time the MAU Goliath will have an area attack range / Area of Effect (AoE) to enemy targets.


The Cora Alliance’s workhorses, from Paimon to Isis, are changing along with us, when Ataraxia finally arrives, too!

Corite companions are due for a tune-up, with lots in store for the avid Summoners. While our loving partners have always filled specific roles as DPS, meatshields, or CC – Ataraxia is expected to bring a bit more adjustments to just how they perform in these roles, to further differentiate them from each other, considering that characters able to summon them are now mostly at levels able to summon them all. With the goal of having them being more interchangeable and flexible, we hope that the adjustments on Summons will encourage more fledgling caretakers to flock to the Corite fold.




  • Attack Power: INCREASED
  • Attack Speed: NO CHANGE
  • FP Consumption: ADDED FROM LEVEL 1
  • HP Amount: DECREASED
  • Defense Power: DECREASED
  • Element: EARTH (Vulnerable to Fire & Water)



  • Attack Power: INCREASED
  • Attack Speed: INCREASED
  • FP Consumption: ADDED FROM LEVEL 1
  • HP Amount: DECREASED
  • Defense Power: DECREASED
  • Element: FIRE (Vulnerable to Water & Wind)



  • Attack Power: DECREASED
  • Attack Speed: INCREASED
  • FP Consumption: ADDED FROM LEVEL 1
  • HP Amount: DECREASED
  • Defense Power: DECREASED
  • Element: WATER (Vulnerable to Wind & Earth)



  • Attack Power: INCREASED
  • Attack Speed: NO CHANGE
  • FP Consumption: ADDED FROM LEVEL 1
  • HP Amount: DECREASED
  • Defense Power: DECREASED
  • Element: WIND (Vulnerable to Earth & Fire)



The maximum HP of a Level 75 Animus are as follows


Animus defense has been modified. Below is the sample damage taken.


Healers have had some of the most difficult roles in teams or groups – here’s an added layer of convenience with which to gauge or ration your dole-outs of that sweet and juicy life-force.

  • HP Recovered from Healing Skills are now displayed.
  • Be reminded that the Heal Amount would depend on the target’s Max HP.

Accretia Specialist

Bellato Soul Chandra


More stuff, more successes!
N-grade rates are decreased as a result

  • Combination Recipe for Grade B (Intense) Weapons and Armors have been added to HERO NPC.
  • Weapons & Armors are NOT REQUIRED to have 7 slots before combining. However, it is advised to combine the same type of weapon or armor.





To complete the Baalzebub Update this time, of course players can already make Level 75 / Baalzebub Equipment which is already available in the Crafting menu. To be able to access the crafting menu, players are required to purchase several items such as Weapon / Shield Assembly Tools to make weapons and shields and Armor Assembly Tools to make armor that can be purchased through the Sundries NPC at each headquarters of each Races and players must use the basic Specialist Job.

To be able to create Level 75 / Baalzebub Equipment, players are required to collect materials as a requirement to create it and some materials for Crafting Baalzebub Equipment can be obtained by Patriot RF on the Hidden Elf’s Land Map which can be accessed using the Teleport Scroll sold at the Mysterious Ore Seller NPC at each headquarters of each Races.

Farm craft materials for Baalzebub weapons and armors relatively easy than the 70, because Hidden Elf Land is a small map and all monsters in lower ground drop them.

Metallic Shardto craft Baalzebub weapon
Stone Shardto craft Baalzebub armor [Helmet, Upper, Gloves]
Mineral Shard to craft Baalzebub armor [Lower, Shoes, Shield]

Read more about: Material to Craft Baalzebub 75 Weapons and Armors


These ethereal loot piñatas will now regularly spawn nearly everywhere under the dying Novus sun – we seek to encourage citizens to relieve them of their contents whenever they show up.

  • Illusion Pyramids don’t attack players.
  • Illusion Pyramids have been added to selected maps to promote hunting activities.

Monsters Location

Outcast – 63 Craft Items

Bio2 – 65 Craft Items

Jetso – 67 Craft Items

Novajan – 70 Craft Items

Elf – 75 Craft Items

Ataraxia is nearly upon us in Novus. See you there – in the new killing fields upon which we will continue to wage our endless war.


RF Online Remastered ID

RF Online Playpark PH/TH

Update 4.15: Age of Patron

Patch NameUpdate 4.15
“Age of Patron” / AoP
Applied toRF Online Global version
– RF Online KR CCRPlay
– RF Online ID Indonesia (Max Lv80)
– RF Online ID Remastered (Max Lv70)
– RF Online PH,TH PlayPark
– RF Online USA RedFox
– RF Online EU 4Game
– RF Online TW OMG
Features– Max Level: 70
– Special Race: High Gold MAU, New Siege Kit, Animus Lv 71
– New Map: Novajan, Caravan, Elite Training School, Jetso island.
– New Daily Quest
– New Items
– System: AutoTab target, Quest Markers, Tooltip target
SummaryAge of Patron is major update applied to all RF Online version after Episode Golden Mystery. In this update, playing RF Online will be easier with new UI system: autotab targeting, quest mark at the monster’s head. New Daily quest, New Map, New item has been added too!

RF Online: Age of Patron

Update 4.15

Max Level

Prepare yourself and your people to face the changes on Planet Novus with more fierce and challenging battles in RF Online with the seventh RF Online Update: Age of Patron. With this update, your battles will definitely be more interesting and more exciting than before because you will be able to enjoy new adventure maps, new systems and new items.

Here are the details of the Age of Patron update information:

  • Max Level: 70
  • Race Special: High Gold MAU, New Siege Kit, Animus lv 71
  • New Daily Quest.
  • New Items.
  • New Areas to Explore (New Map).
  • New Monsters and Pit Boss.
  • New Dungeon Battle.

New Special Race

Accretia Empire

With weapons that can destroy anything, Accretia comes with a new Siege Kit that is ready to destroy all enemies in front of it.

– Siege Kit level 70
– Shining Sonium Siege Kit (Launcher)
– Sniper Sonium Siege Kit (Launcher)
– Shining Magius Siege Kit (Flame Launcher)
– Sniper Magius Siege Kit (Fire)
– Changes appearance skin of Siege Kit levels 55, 60 and 65

Siege Kit Level 70

Sonium Siege Kit

Magius Siege Kit

Siege Kit Level 55

Siege Kit Level 60 and 65

Bellato Union

Having a Massive Armor Unit (MAU) with 2 types, namely Catapult and Goliath, now comes with more powerful power and is equipped with a Panzer Generator, thus increasing the power of the MAU.

MAU Goliath level 70 High

MAU Catapult 70 High Area Hit

Holy Aliance Cora

The only race that can summon Animus (Isis, Hecate, Paimon and Inana) where each Animus has its own abilities that are very suitable for all conditions on the battlefield.


  • Max Animus level 71
  • Paimon Taunt increased (provoke passive skill)
  • New mechanics for Cora summons (Increase Animus ATK Power by reflect player’s part of Force ATK Power)
    • Lesser Communion Crystal
    • Communion Crystals
    • Greater Communion Crystals

Isis Level 71

Hecate Level 71

Paimon Level 71

Inana Level 71

Read More

Episode Golden Mystery

Patch NameEpisode
“Golden Mystery” / “Golden Age”
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– Max Level: 65
– New Battle Dungeon BD 45-60, Present, Future.
– Gold Point
– New Map: Bio Lab 2nd Basement
– New Skill
SummaryGolden Mystery is minor update applied to all RF Online version after Episode 2.2.2: Legend of Elven. The latest update of Golden Mystery now comes with the addition of new features, items and maps, including the addition of monster battle dungeons, Bio Lab 2nd Basement, new Skills and new Item malls. In addition, in the NOVUS world, 1 important secret has been revealed for the Patriot RF. Gold Capsule can later be used to obtain Gold Points, which are said to be related to the new weapon Golden Weapon. details

RF Online: Golden Mystery


The latest update of Golden Mystery now comes with the addition of new interesting features and items as well as a new system that can help you become stronger on the planet Novus.

In addition, now in the world of NOVUS, 1 important secret has been revealed for the Patriot RF. Gold Capsule can later be used to obtain Gold Points, which are said to be related to the new weapon Golden Weapon.

With the addition of power in this new update, you will feel a great shock in the battle on the planet Novus! Don’t miss out on defending your nation in the 4th RF Online Indonesia update: Golden Mystery

For more details, please enjoy the following information:

  • Addition of Monster Battle Dungeon
  • Gold Point
  • Bio Lab 2nd Basement
  • New Skill
  • Addition of new Mall Items.

New Battle Dungeon

In the latest update of RF Online Indonesia this time, namely Golden Mystery, there will be a new battle dungeon….

This Battle Dungeon is open to levels 45 to 65, and contains more challenging monsters. If Patriot RF succeeds in completing this Battle Dungeon, they will also get very attractive prizes

Here is a brief description of the New Battle dungeon in the RF Online update: Golden Mystery

Battle Dungeon 45 – 65

In this Battle Dungeon, Patriot RF must defeat all the monsters in it so that the PitBoss monster in this battle dungeon can appear.

The Pit Boss that appears if Patriot RF defeats all the monsters is Hora Bloody Heller Wing“.

If Patriot RF successfully completes this Battle Dungeon, you will get 2 Jewelry Boxes.

Battle Dungeon 2 (For Level 56 – 65 [The Present] )

In this Battle Dungeon, Patriot RF must defeat all the monsters in it so that the PitBoss monster in this battle dungeon can appear.

Some monsters in Battle Dungeon 2 (For Level 56 – 65 [The Present] ) :

Battle Dungeon 3 (For Level 56 – 65 [The Future] )

Key Battle Dungeon 56 – 66 (Future)

Some Monsters in Battle Dungeon 2 (For Level 56 – 65 [The Future] ) :

Gold Point

In this Update: Golden Mystery, Patriot RF will get a new feature, namely the Gold Point system.

  1. Gold Points

These Gold Points can be used by Patriot RF to purchase high-level items provided by the Gold Point NPC (Golden Pig NPC) found in each HQ. Patriot RF can see the Gold Points in the character information section (hotkey C).

There are several ways for Patriot RF to get these Gold Points, including:

  • Beginner Gold Box level 30/40
    Patriot RF gets this box when he first creates a new character. Patriot can open this box when he reaches level 30 and 40 and if opened, Patriot RF will get a Gold Points-adding capsule.
  • Shiny Gold Box
    This box is obtained when Patriot RF successfully destroys another Race’s Chip during Chip War (CW). If opened, this box will produce various Gold Points-adding capsules (random).
  1. Hunting Point

Patriot RF will get this point automatically when defeating a monster. Patriot RF can see Hunting Points in the character information section (hotkey C).

  1. NPC Gold Point

RF Patriots can find these Gold Point NPCs in each race’s headquarters.

This Gold Point NPC provides various high-level items that can be purchased using Gold Points. The items provided by this NPC include:

  • Gold Weapon Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells various level 50 Rare-D weapons.
  • Gold Accessory Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells various level 40 high-level accessories.
  • Gold Goods Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells various gold items, including: vanishing boosters (not permanent), weapons, accessories and purse chargers (2% – 5%).
  • Low Level Armor Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells coupons that can be exchanged at each nation’s Hero NPC for level 40 armor with a 5 favor upgrade.
  • Mid Level Armor Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells coupons that can be exchanged at each nation’s Hero NPC for level 40 armor with a 6 favor upgrade.
  • High Level Armor Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells coupons that can be exchanged at each nation’s Hero NPC for level 40 armor with a 7 favor upgrade.
  • High Level Weapon Seller NPC
    • This NPC sells coupons that can be exchanged at each nation’s Hero NPC for level 40 weapons with 5 ignorant, 6 ignorant and 7 ignorant upgrades.

Items obtained from NPC Gold Vendor are:
a. Permanent (except for prepaid disappearing boosters and purse chargers).
b. Cannot be thrown away, cannot be exchanged and cannot be transacted.
c. Items have limited quantities and will be renewed once a month.
d. The process of exchanging coupons from NPC Gold Vendor will require a fee of 100,000 race currency.

New Map: Bio Lab 2nd Basement

Currently in Cartella Bio Lab, the 2nd Basement floor is available for level 61.

To enter Cartella Laboratory 2nd Basement you must pass through the Cartella Gate Floor 1, Cartella Laboratory 2nd Basement is located behind the Pit Boss Black Sign.

2nd Lab Door

Map Lab 2nd

Inside Cartella Laboratory 2nd Basement there are several new monsters that can certainly help you in leveling and becoming the strongest on the planet Novus.

List all monsters:

Bio Lab 2nd Basement Pit Boss

New Skill

In this Update: Golden Mystery, RF Online will also provide New Profession Skills for Warrior and Ranger Jobs.



This skill will increase movement speed, and of course will be very helpful in chasing opponents who like to run away.

Bash Explosion

This skill is an opponent-destroying skill where it will hit your opponent with a very hard blow.


  1. All of these profession skills can be obtained by Patriot RF who have reached level 40, and take a pure job (not a cross job).
  2. Jobs that will get these additional profession skills:
  • Accretia: Punisher, Assaulter and Mercenary.
  • Bellato: Berserker, armsman and Shield Miller.
  • Cora: Templar, Guardian and Black Knight.


Long distance spiring

This skill is a perfecting skill of short distance firing. Where this skill can stun enemies without reducing damage like short distance firing.


  1. This skill can be obtained by Patriot RF who has reached level 40 and takes a Pure job (not Cross job), except Striker (Accretia).
  2. Jobs that will get this profession skill:
  • Accretia: Dementer and Phantom Shadow.
  • Bellato: Hidden Soldier, Sentinel and Inflator.
  • Cora: Adventurer, Stealer and Assassin.


Episode 2.2.2: Legend of Elven

Patch NameEpisode 2.2.2
“Legend of Elven” / “Forgotten Elven Land”
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– Max Level: 65
– Special Race: Gold MAU, Black Siege Kit, Animus lv 65
– New areas to explore (New Map).
– New Monsters and Pit Bosses.
– New Skills.
– New Dungeon Battle (DarkHall).
– New Items.
– New Quests.
SummaryLegend of Elven is major update applied to all RF Online version after Episode 2.1.5: Secret of Holystone. In this update, there is a new map that you can use for leveling. The new map is the residence of the Elves that has long been forgotten and is very secret. There are also many new weapons that you can use to face the endless battle. In addition, Gold MAU, Black Siege Kit and Animus that can be upgraded to level 65 await you in this update. The Patriot RF can also increase the character level to level 65 and can try armor level

RF Online: Legend of Elven

Episode 2.2.2

Prepare yourself and your race to face a more fierce and challenging battle in RF Online with the third RF Online Update: Legend Of Elven. With this update, your battle will definitely be more interesting and more exciting than before because you will be able to enjoy a new adventure map, new systems and new items.

More importantly, there is a new map that you can use for leveling. The new map is the residence of the Elves who have long been forgotten and are very secret. There are also many new weapons that you can use to face the endless battle.

And for the Archons and all Guilds, get ready because in this latest update there will be many changes that can make your achievements even better.

For more details, please enjoy the following Legend Of Elven update information:

  • Max Level: 65
  • Special Race: Gold MAU, Black Siege Kit, Animus lv 65
  • New areas to explore (New Map).
  • New Monsters and Pit Bosses.
  • New Skills.
  • New Dungeon Battle (DarkHall).
  • New Items.
  • New Quests.

New Map “Forgotten Elven Land” and Pit Bosses.

The core of this update is the opening of a new map called the Elven map. Only characters level 50 and above can enter this map, and there will be 4 new pit bosses on the map. If you succeed in defeating this pit boss, you will get items such as combination recipes for level 55 and above, enhanced launcher cores, and red stone boxes.

Forgotten Elven Land “Elven / Elf”

To be able to enter this map, you must obtain the Crystal Artifact from the NPC at the headquarters.

Go to Sette Desert -> Nadir Plain to enter this map (Hidden Land of Elf).

Elven “Elf” PitBosses

A new Pitboss has been added in this update and will make you even more challenged to be able to defeat this Pitboss together with your party. This new Pitboss can be found in the Elf Land which is where the Elves live. The name of this new Pitboss is Deadly Eldicroche. Prepare yourself to face this new Pitboss.

Dead Eldi Croche

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Episode 2.1.6: Secret of Holystone

Patch NameEpisode 2.1.6
“Secret of Holystone”
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– Max Level: 55
– Special Race: Blue MAU, Blue Siege Kit, Animus lv 55
– Changes to the Archon and Guild systems.
– Changes and additions to High Level Items.
– New items.
– Addition of new Mall Items.
SummarySecret of Holystone is minor update applied to all RF Online version after Episode 2.1.5: Red Army. This update will make the Patriot RF battles even more exciting with the presence of Blue MAU, Blue Siege kit and Animus which can be upgraded to level 55. In addition, the new superior armor can make the Patriot RF the strongest in the Novus world.

RF Online: Secret of Holystone

Episode 2.1.6

You have felt the awesomeness of Red MAU, Red Siege Kit, and Red Isis. Do you still want to be stronger? Want to be even more awesome? Want a more challenging battle?

The latest SECRET OF HOLYSTONE update now comes with the addition of the strength of each races, namely, Blue MAU, Blue Siege Kit, and ANIMUS can be upgraded to LV 55 and the presence of new interesting features and items as well as a new system that can help you keep your ID secret.

In addition, now in the NOVUS world, 1 important secret has been opened for the Patriot RF. HolyStone or Talic will not only be used to upgrade items, but can also be processed again into Crystal Talic which is said to be related to the new SUPERIOR ARMOR armor.

With the addition of strength in this new update, you will feel a great shock in the battle on the planet Novus! don’t miss out on defending your race in the SECRET OF HOLYSTONE update

Chip War and PvP

This PvP box appears on the top left of the screen

These PvP points can be used to buy PvP weapons from the NPC leader of the races.
Characters before lv 40 will have their PvP point display blank and will not change at all.
Characters after promotion/profession 2 can get or lose PvP points in PvP battles.

PVP points are divided into temporary points and certain points.
-Temporary Points = are points from PVP results every day.
-Temporary Points will change to certain Points at midnight (00.000) every day.

If the temporary point result is minus, certain points will be reduced.
PvP with the same character will not get Points.

In every settlement area of ​​other Races (213, 117, Solus, Anacaade, Haram, Numerus), you will not get temporary PvP Points but can reduce temporary PvP Points.

The following is a list of maximum PvP point income based on Lv.
Lv40 = 500
Lv41 = 600
Lv42 = 700
Lv43 = 800
Lv44 = 900
Lv45 = 1200
Lv46 = 1500
Lv47 = 1800
Lv48 = 2100
Lv49 = 2400
Lv50 = 3000
Lv51 = 3500
Lv52 = 4000
Lv53 = 4500
Lv54 = 5000
Lv55 = 6000

B. Recovery of PVP Minus Points with Talic.

Characters can recover PvP Minus Points from the race managers located in each race’s headquarters.
The amount of point recovery value can be seen based on the information when you want to restore PvP Points from the race leader NPC.

If the player uses a talic exceeding the number of points that can be restored, then the talic used to restore will be wasted.
If the char’s FIXED POINT has changed to minus, then the TEMPORARY POINT will not increase if you kill another race. So recovery must be done first at the NPC Race Manager.

C. The Last hitter character will get an additional 30% Attack and Defense until the next chip war. This is also given to all members of the Last Hitter Guild.

D. ​​The Last hitter character (Last Chip Hitter) cannot use teleport potion (new item) / be summoned with Summon Potion (New Item).

E. Can no longer mine in the open area of ​​the Crag Mine mountains except in the inner area.

Special Weapon

A. Lv 55 MAU has been implemented, the price is the same as MAU Lv 50.

B. Lv 55 Siege kit has been implemented, can be purchased from expensive supply NPCs.

Sniper Recas Siege Kit (for launcher).Fire Recas Siege Kit (for flame thrower).
This is a siege sniper kit that has a longer shooting range but slower shooting speed than the regular Siege Kit.Faster shooting speed and higher accuracy for this siege kit.

C. Animus level is increased to Lv 55.

D. Summon Animus Rules.

Lv 1 ~ Lv 49: provisions with PT summon (according to current rules).
Lv 50 ~ Lv 55(new) : depends on character level and animus level (Animus level is only allowed to be 1 level higher than character).
example: Grazier Lv 50 Animus Lv 51
If the animus level is 1 level above the character’s Lv, then the character will not be able to increase the animus level (animus does not get EXP).
If the character tries to use an animus reaver that is 2 Lv above it, “Cannot use” will appear as a warning.

Map + Monster

A. Items used to teleport between maps are only reduced when entering another map.

B. Minimum level for Beast Mountain, Outcast Land, and Cartella BIO.

Outcast land = Min Lv 51
Cartella Bio Lab = Min Lv 50
Beast Mountain = Min Lv 49

C. Beast Mountain Map

Monsters have been repositioned so that the number of Groups/Parties that can hunt can be greater.
The number of StingHostmarr and Hivemarr Monsters has decreased.
The period for Hero monsters to appear on the Dragon Tomb Map has changed from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.
Some Hero class Monsters in the spawn area have changed to ace class & winner spawn areas.

D. Outcast Land

Monster levels that have changed:
Snatcher Type: Lv 63-64
Crawler Type: Lv 64-65
Vafer Type: Lv 65-66

E. Kartella Bio Lab.

Weapons & armor for Lv 53 have been added.
Map crashes have been removed, and high-class monsters such as Aizelank have been added for hunting.

F. The EXP of monsters in Beast Mountain, Outcast Land, Cartella Bio Lab has changed.

The EXP of Hero class monsters has been increased.
The EXP of Elite & Champion class monsters has been drastically reduced.
The EXP of Ace & Normal class monsters has been reduced.

G. Hero class monsters and Pitboss in Beast Mountain, Outcast Land, Cartella Bio Lab can use force attacks and can remove bad status from players.

H. Elan PitBoss Dagon will be guarded by ‘DagonGuard’.

Archon and Guild

Archons cannot be attacked by their own people using chaos potions.

Players who are selected as the target races can now use chaos potions.

The ban on playing in a party has been removed.

B. Support skills for the Archon Companion Group have been added.

C. The Guild Leader can nominate 3 players as the Committee.

D. The Guild Leader will have the main authority and decision-making in guild management.

E. If the Guild Leader does not log in for 3 consecutive weeks, the remaining members can elect a new guild master.

F. The new guild committee will have the authority to accept new members, check guild funds, and withdraw funds from members after being approved by all members.

G. The guild committee will be considered as a regular member.

H. The command to punish has changed to @restraint 1(1~2) [ID] [Reason]


A. Skill changes

  • The function of indicating the player’s skill or force information has been implemented.
  • When the enemy uses a temporary cancel skill while the player is using a skill buff effect, the Potion charger will disappear.
  • Bellato Bellato Holy Shield defense force has been increased.
  • When the buff effect has been canceled, the potion effect icon will disappear.

B. Changes to the main display

  • The EXP bar is displayed using 4 decimal places.
  • Addition of a point system to PVP.
  • Equip that is installed will have a function key feature.
  • The Kartela Bio Lab entrance is not on the map, and has been changed.
  • At the bottom right of the screen, information about the honorary guild has been added to the helper icon.
  • Messages have been changed to outside the menu.
  • The changes that have been replaced are related to chatting.
    /all and /map can no longer be used in macro chat.
  • If the player types too much, there will be an error, now there is no more, it has been fixed.
  • The number of chat lines has been increased.
  • When the resolution is increased or decreased, the chat text will adjust.
  • Job characters will appear during chat trading.
  • Kill and PVP info points were not displayed in the race quest info screen, and have been fixed.
  • No longer need to wait 30 seconds to use /all for the next time.

C. Characters in Booster Mode cannot jump.

D. When using Remote Party, use Blue Powder and also 1000 race currency for each call.

E. The display count on the support skill for the Archon Support Team has been fixed. (Using the support team Buff for 120 seconds, previously displayed for 1200 seconds, now it has been fixed to be displayed correctly)

F. Cannot use skills or attack when using or removing the siege kit.

G. Changes to the Scroll System in Chatting. Will not move even if there is a new message.

H. When using a support skill on yourself, the skill usage message system is removed.

I. Fixed an issue where Paimon had abnormally high aggressiveness.

A. Dagan, Dagon, Dagnu (Elan), Ringleader Blood Axe (Outcast Land), Eternal Flame Draco (Beast Mountain) spawn time has been changed from 8 hours to 24 hours. They will spawn at a certain percentage.

K. Jewel cube spawn rate is more frequent on the Beast Mountain map.

L. Jewel cube monsters will no longer drop potions and excelsior.

M. The strange animation of level 55 siege kit has been fixed.

N. Dagon / Dagnu / Dagan’s accessory combination cost has been changed to 100,000,000 race currency. (100% chance of success)

O. The time required to create a guard tower is 10 seconds.

P. Now the item drop rate of monsters in Cartella Bio-Lab, Outcast Land, Beast Mountain is different depending on the monster class.


A. Now you can accept up to 20 quests.

  • All quests will be saved in the journal.
  • Only the selected (checklisted) quests in the journal will be displayed in the right corner (quest window) of the main layer.
  • All checked quests will be returned to the journal after logging out.
  • Only a maximum of 5 quests can be selected to be displayed and you can change them.
  • Quests that are not displayed can still be completed.

B. New quests for each races.

  • Players can start by talking to the Race Leader and Sundries at each base.
    In connection with the new quests, Periad NPCs have been implemented in the Sette Desert.
  • Only players with Lv 49 and above and ranked in the top 5 can accept the quests.

C. New quest monsters in the Race Settlement Area.

The Devasastor Lea monster has been placed in the Elan Silent Forest.
Tuncoat troops and Commander Siris Gale have been stationed in 117 Accretia settlement area.
Tuncoat troops and Commander Treshuu Gale have been stationed in Anacade Bellato settlement area.
Tuncoat troops and Commander Siris Leon Volkov have been stationed in Numerus Cora settlement area.
They are stationed around the mineral merchant NPCs in their respective bases.

Item Mall

A. The item mall system has been updated.

  • The display for viewing items for sale has changed, so it is possible to view 12 items whereas previously only 8 items could be viewed.
  • The Shopping Cart system has been implemented.
  • It is possible to store all items that you want to buy and can buy them in one transaction (maximum 20 items).

B. New Item Mall: Summon Potion.

  • Used to summon the desired character.
  • Summoning cannot be done if the player (character) refuses to be summoned.

C. New Item Mall: Teleport Potion.

  • Can be teleported to other desired characters.
  • Cannot be used on characters of other races.

D. New Item Mall: Name Change Potion.

  • Used to change your character’s name.
  • Guild information will be lost when used.
  • Guild leaders and archons cannot use it.

E. New Mall Items: Upgrade Defense Gauge Recovery Potion

  • Used to restore Defense Gauge
  • Upgrade Defense Gauge Recovery Potion Mall items can be used in battle mode

F. New Mall Items: Increase PT Rate

  • Items used to increase PT Rate for 180 Seconds (3 minutes)
    There are 3 Types:
  • Increase PT Rate x 1
  • Increase PT Rate x 2
  • Increase PT Rate x 4

G. New Mall Items: Self Revival Potion.

Used to revive a dead character
How to use: Double click on the Self Revival Potion item when the character dies

H. New Mall Item: Superior Favor box

Can only be used to upgrade Superior Armor, cannot be used on regular armor
There are 3 types:

  • Superior Favor Box (Used to upgrade Superior Armor lv 50)
  • Superior Favor Box lv 53 (Used to upgrade Superior Armor lv 53)
  • Superior Favor Box lv 55 (Used to upgrade Superior Armor lv 55)

I. New Mall Item: Cartella Ranking.

  • Items used to increase EXP 20% and Item Drop rate 10%.
  • Cannot be combined with any type of Jade or Premium Service.
  • Can be used up to 5 pieces, the sixth item does not give any effect.
  • The active period is 1 month.

J. New Mall Item: Jade of Abundance Quantitative

  • Jade rental time is only counted as online hours. (If not online, it does not count)
  • This Jade function adds 10% Exp Bonus when Hunting.
  • Group EXP Bonus is not affected by this Jade Effect.
  • Can be used up to 5 pieces, the sixth item does not give any effect.
  • Consists of 4 Types:
  • Jade Of Abudance Quantitative 6 Hours: Rental Time 6 Hours Online
  • Jade Of Abudance Quantitative 12 Hours: Rental Time 12 Hours Online
  • Jade Of Abudance Quantitative 20 Hours: Rental Time 20 Hours Online
  • Jade Of Abudance Quantitative 30 Hours: Rental Time 30 Hours Online

K. New Mall Item: Jade of Relief Quantitative rank

  • Jade rental time is only counted as online hours. (If offline, it does not count)
  • This Jade function lowers the requirement for using items (Weapons / Armor) by 1 level.
  • Does not affect the use of items: Siege Kit, Animus, Tower, Trap.
  • Can be used up to 5 pieces, the sixth item does not give any effect.
  • Consists of 4 Types:
    • Jade Of Relief Quantitative 6 Hour: Rental Time 6 Hours Online
    • Jade Of Relief Quantitative 12 Hour: Rental Time 12 Hours Online
    • Jade Of Relief Quantitative 20 Hour: Rental Time 20 Hours Online
    • Jade Of Relief Quantitative 30 Hour: Rental Time 30 Hours Online

L. New Mall Item: Jade of Abudance Time Type.

  • Consists of 2 types:
    • period 6PM~1AM: Will increase EXP Bonus by 100%, only has an effect at 18.00 ~ 01.00 WIB.
    • 6AM~1PM period: Will increase EXP Bonus by 100%, only has an effect at 06.00 ~ 13.00 WIB
  • This item cannot be combined with premium Service / Cartella Rank.
    Can only use 1 item, the second item does not give any effect
    Active period is 1 month

M. Item Mall changes: Socket Box.

  • The old Socket Extender item has been removed from the Item Mall purchasing system
  • Any type of Socket Extender item cannot be used on items that have a talic installed or items that have been lowered in level.



It does not cost 1000 race currency to invite someone from afar to join a group (party).
Chat-all will now cost 1000 race currency.

Race Quest (Chip War)

  • To get CP rewards, you must get a scanner and win the war.
  • The increase and decrease of PVP limits have been fixed.
  • If you are in a group that is on a race quest, the list of party members killed will not be shared.
  • You can get temporary points for PVP more than 5 times.
  • Commander Sericegale (D_Boss) robbing quest, the number of “Sericegale Emblem” drops has been increased.


Archon support skill images are now displayed correctly.
The frame box in the item purchase screen is now displayed correctly.


Episode 2.1.5: Red Army

Patch NameEpisode 2.1.5
“Red Army”
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– Increased Level limit up to Level 55.
– Special Race: Red MAU, Red Siege Kit, Red Isis
– New areas to explore (New Map).
– New monsters and a more challenging AI system.
– New Skills.
– Archon System Development.
– New Dungeon Battle System (DarkHall).
– New items.
– Guild Feature Development.
SummaryRed Army is minor patch applied to all RF Online version after Episode 2 Part 1. All races have secret weapons such as RED MAU (Bellato), RED ISIS (Cora), and RED SIEGE KIT (Accretia).

RF Online: Red Army

Episode 2.1.5

Prepare yourself and your race to face a more fierce and challenging battle in RF Online with the first RF Update: RED ARMY. With this update, your battle will definitely be more interesting and more exciting than before because you will be able to enjoy a new adventure map, new systems and new items.

More importantly, now the Maximum Patriot RF Level has been increased to Level 55. And of course besides the level, each race will also get the latest secret weapons such as RED MAU (Bellato), RED ISIS (Cora), and RED SIEGE KIT (Accretia).

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Episode 2 Part 1

Patch NameEpisode 2 Part 1
“Pioneers of Novus, Be Ready To Pioneers”
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– Level cap increase to level 55
– All new weapons, armours, skills and items
– All new monster AI system
– Enhanced guild and party features
– Brand new zones to explore
– Enhanced Chip War and PVP Systems
– Inclusion of an in-game cash shop
SummaryEpisode 2 Part 1 is the largest ever update to RF Online. With the inclusion of Episode 2, RF Online cements itself in history as THE Player vs. Player and Realm vs. Realm vs. Realm MMO game gamers should be playing.

RF Online: Pioneers of Novus

Episode 2 Part 1

Episode 2 Part 1 Update Patch Notes

Class C Armour Update

1. It is now possible to combine Class C Armour and Class C Shields
After taking the combination material to the Hero, players may ¨C depending on the probability ¨C receive the combined item.

Combination material
* Purple Excelsior Class C : 1
* Purple Excelsior 99 Pieces
* Red Stone 10
* Armour ability 10 for each option
* 1~5 favour upgraded Class B Armour/Shield(The more favour the item has, the higher probability of success)

Armour ability can randomly be acquired from the ability box.
* Can be acquired from monster classes higher than Turncoat in the Sette Desert.
* Can be acquired from monsters in Cauldron Volcano Area.
* Can be acquired from monsters in Elan area.
* Can be acquired from pit bosses.

2. Red Stones will now be produced after processing Ore +3

This product is used as a combination material for Class C Armour.

Level 50 Battle Dungeon Update

Level 50 Raid Battle Dungeon has been added.

Upon completion of the Dungeon, players may be awarded Lv 50 Ancient[Leon’s Weapon item]item pieces.

The Following pit bosses will drop the Lv 50 gateway:

  • Pit Boss in Elan area.
  • Belphegor in Cauldron Volcano area.
  • Hora Amored Ghost in Sette Desert

Guild Room Update

1. Guild Room NPC has been added

Each race will have two kinds of Guild Room NPCs: Standard and Special.
After the Lv 50 contents update, part of these items will be sold by SPECIAL NPCs.
Items sold by the Guild Room NPC will be renewed every two hours.

List of items sold from Guild Room NPC:

Item Update

Normal Item

Standard items sold by NPCs.

Rare Item

Same weapons as Normal, but has additional abilities.

  • Class A : Additional Ability
  • Class B : Standard Ability Increase
  • Class C : Additional Ability + Standard Ability Increase + Level Limit adjustment

Ancient Item

Item used by Novusians against Ancient Herodians.

  • Uniform : Only race leader/guild master can wear this uniform.
  • Race Leader Uniform : Only Race Leader can wear this armour
  • Guild Master Uniform : Only guild master can wear this armour.
  • Leon’s Weapon

Relic Item

The most common soul weapon used in the past. (characteristic : activation)

  • Special Weapon : Weapon made for Combat, Class Skill will be activated.
  • Native Weapon : Strong Damage + Force will activate depending on the additional option and probability.

Hero Item

Beginning of recently recreated Soul Weapon in Novus

Majesty Item

Ages ago, during the war with the Herodians; Taurus Shirine Union’s predictors gave this treasure to human beings to ensure an alliance between the two races. (Not developed yet)

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Giga Final Part 2

Patch NameGiga Final Part 2
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– New area: Elan Plateau
– Update to Volcanic Cauldron Area
– Guild vs. Guild: Circle Zone Scramble
– Race Archon Voting System
– XP/PT Experience Increase
– Individual Unmanned Mining Tool (UMT)
– Booty System
– Combination system
SummaryGiga Final Part 2 is the second and final update in the Giga series of updates. This update brings with it Guild vs. Guild battles in the way of Circle Zone Scramble, a whole new area and a host of additional tweaks and changes

Giga Final Part 2


The following changes/fixes have been made in this patch:


Combination system

• Item Combination can be carried out at Hero NPC in each races HQ.
• Item combination requires Excelsior items and gold/silver catalysts.
• Complete Excelsiors can be acquired from Cauldron monsters and Pitboss monsters,
with Excelsior parts being acquired from other monsters.
• Gold and silver catalysts are available from the Sundries NPC in each HQ.
• Combining can create Class C weapons and high level force reavers.
• Only lvl 30 – 45 weapon items can be combined.
• Lvl 50 weapons, shields, armour or accessories cannot be combined.
• As with upgrading there is a chance of failure.
• The excelsior and weapon materials have a random chance of being destroyed.
• Any talics on the weapons will be lost, no matter whether combination is successful or not.

Booty System

• High level booty can now be broken down into lower level booty using a new
hammer item available form the Sundries in each HQ.
• The Hero NPC is used to carry out the conversion process.
• A random number of lower level booty will be generated based on the number of
high-level booty being converted. Up to 10 in total can be converted in one go:


1 booty = 1 – 5 low level booty items
2 booty = 2 – 10 low level booty items, etc

Individual Unmanned Mining Tool (UMT)

• These new tools can be set up like turrets to mine in the Crag Mine map;
enabling the player to continue doing other activities with his/her character.
• The first thing the player must do is set up new ore storage facilities at
the Ore refiner NPC. The charge is 250g and will buy you 40 slots.
• There are 3 versions of the mining tool available, whilst they all mine at
the same rate, the stats of the tool change:

Light UMT: Level 25 requirement, costs 300,000 and has 50,000 HP
Normal UMT: Level 35 requirement, costs 1,000,000 and has 150,000 HP
Advanced UMT: Level 45 requirement, costs 2,000,000 and has 300,000 HP
Small Battery = 1hr 30 mins mining time and costs 30,000
Regular Battery = 3hrs mining time and costs 60,000

Conditions of use:

• The UMT must have a battery and can hold up to 2.
• The UMT mines at a slightly slower rate than a player would at the same location.
• Whilst the UMT is being used, the player cannot use the normal mining tool.
• Ore from the UMT will be transferred directly to the Ore storage.
• The UMT has endurance and HP, and if players or the HSK attacks it, an icon will
flash on the players screen informing them of the UMT taking damage.

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Giga Final Part 1

Patch NameGiga Final Part 1
“Beginning to the New World”
Applied toRF Online Global version
Features– All new Battle Dungeons
– New crafting system
– Party system Upgrade
– Changes to skills, items and forces
– Chip War System Upgraded
– Macro System
– Ability Rewards of Pit boss/Guard monster adjustment
– Characters and Guilds Cash Holding
– Chatting system
SummaryGiga Final Part 1 is the first free content update for RF Online and has a wealth of new features and content. With new Battle Dungeons and significant updates to various other key areas to the game – this is a must have update for RF Online players.

RF Online: Beginning to the New World

Giga Final Part 1


Battle Dungeons
Current Battle Dungeon Upgrade

  • 24 more Battle Dungeons added – the 2 old Battle Dungeons will stay ingame
  • Boss ‘Raid’ type of Battle Dungeon added
  • All lvl 15 – 45 Normal and Ace monsters will drop the gate items, Cauldron Volcanic Area monsters and pit bosses will not
  • The assassin series monsters in ether will also drop gate items
  • The gates dropped will be relevant to the level of monster, i.e. lvl 15 – 20 gates will be dropped by lvl 15 – 20 monsters

The use of Battle dungeons has been changed

  • You can now only enter Battle Dungeon gates via the Gate guide NPC located in the HQ of each Race
  • All Gate items are now for parties
  • It will be impossible for someone not on the group to use the gate
  • Access to the gate is now limited to the levels described above
  • Gates will only stay open for 15 mins

Battle Dungeon Modifications

  • Using Shift Key, users can easily register gates
  • Users can now ride MAU in Battle Dungeons
  • Fixed transparent UI of gate
  • Fixed vision decrease issue in the Battle Dungeons
  • For the 24 added Battle Dungeons, the compensation has been increased


Changes to Item upgrade rules

  • Upgrade failure penalty for Grade A (purple) and grade B (intense) items: the probability of item destruction, and likelihood of losing previous successful upgrades has been reduced
  • Grade A items will suffer no penalties until 3 complete upgrades
  • Grade B items will suffer no penalties until 2 complete upgrades
  • Normal items are unchanged at no penalties until 4 complete upgrades

Random Chance of crafting normal/Grade A/Grade B items

  • Only Metal Smiths, Artists, Scientists and Battle Leaders whose original class was specialist can randomly obtain Grade A or Grade B items when crafting
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