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Elite Force Reaver

Last modified: September 2nd, 2024
Combination Rate Success20%, 50% and 80% depend Excelsiar Grade
Required Materials Low Level Force Reaver
Mid Level Force Reaver
Excelsiar A/B/C
DescriptionThis combination guide explain how to get Elite Force Reaver. As spiritualist job for Bellato and Cora you need to master all of your force skill from Basic to Elite with GM PT skills to survive in Novus!

Where to Combine

Go to HERO NPC in your HQ, and click Combination menu.


  • Low Level Force Reaver
  • Mid Level Force Reaver
  • Talic
  • Excelsiar A/B/C

How to get these required materials?

Basic and Medium Level Force Reaver

Low Level and Mid Level Force Reaver can be buy in FORCE NPC


All talics stone comes from processing Ores (read: Game System-Mining), Talic Reward Box, or buy from other player.

Excelsiar A/B/C

Excelsiars are useful to combine A Weapon, C Weapon, C Armor, C shield, Elite Force Reaver, or for materials to build guard tower. You need to combine several items (Excelsiar Pieces, Silver Catalyst and Gold Catalyst) to produce an Excelsiar. Silver Catalyst and Gold Catalyst can be purchased from Sundries NPC at your HQ.

Elite Force Reaver Combination

  • Holy Force can use Restoration Talic and White Excelsiar
  • Dark Force can use Darkness Talic and Black Excelsiar
  • Fire Force can use Sacredfire Talic and Red Excelsiar
  • Water Force can use Belief Talic and Navy Excelsiar
  • Earth Force can use Guard Talic and Brown Excelsiar
  • Wind Force can use Glory Talic and Blue Excelsiar
Mat 1Mat 2Mat 3Mat 4ResultChance Rate

[Low Level] Bless

[Mid Level] Elemental Shield

Restoration Talic

White Excelsiar A/B/C

[High Level] Agility
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Restoration

[Mid Level] Healing

Restoration Talic
White Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Holy Shield
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level]
Soul Ballad

[Mid Level]
Increase Speed

Restoration Talic
White Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Efficiency
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level]

[Mid Level] Might

Darkness Talic

Black Excelsiar A/B/C

[High Level] Acute Sight
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level]

[Mid Level] Broad Outlook

Darkness Talic
Black Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level]
Hell Bless
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level]

[Mid Level] Increase Speed

Darkness Talic
Black Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Efficiency
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level]
Prism Beam

[Mid Level] Flame Arrow

Sacredfire Talic

Red Excelsiar A/B/C

[High Level] Blaze Pearl
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level]

[Mid Level] Circle of Fire

Sacredfire Talic
Red Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Solar Blade
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Fire Ball

[Mid Level] Inferno

Sacredfire Talic
Red Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Blazing Lance
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Flash Beam

[Mid Level] Swarm

Sacredfire Talic
Red Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Meteor
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Ice Shard

[Mid Level] Frost Arrow

Belief Talic

Navy Excelsiar A/B/C

[High Level] Wave Rage
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Mist Shot

[Mid Level] Aqua Blade

Belief Talic
Navy Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Frost Nova
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Blind Sight

[Mid Level] Elemental Burn

Belief Talic
Navy Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Confuse
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Weakness

[Mid Level] Power Drain

Belief Talic
Navy Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Sloth
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Vain Break

[Mid Level] Tectonic Might

Guard Talic

Brown Excelsiar A/B/C

[High Level] Venom Breath
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Fetor

[Mid Level] Toxic Bane

Guard Talic
Brown Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Sand Storm
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Soul Blind

[Mid Level] Desolate

Guard Talic
Brown Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Entangle
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Soul Mute

[Mid Level] Ensnare

Guard Talic
Brown Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Tranquility
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Energy Ball

[Mid Level] Electric Bolt

Glory Talic

Blue Excelsiar A/B/C

[High Level] Blast Shot
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Whirlwind

[Mid Level] Air Blast

Glory Talic
Blue Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Lightning Chain
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Skill Thaw

Glory Talic
Blue Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Skill Revoker
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C

[Low Level] Force Extract

[Mid Level] Revealer

Glory Talic
Blue Excelsiar A/B/C
[High Level] Force Revoker
20% if use Excelsiar A

50% if use Excelsiar B

80% if use Excelsiar C
