Charm and Generator

Charms and Generators are special rental items that can be acquired through NPC vendors, located in your respective race’s HQ. Charms and Generators can

You can purchase these by using racial currency (Foreign Vendor NPC), or PvP points (Point Item NPC). Charms and Generators are acquired from the Foreign Vendor NPC warrants 48 hours rental period; while the Charms and Generators that are acquired from the Point Item NPC warrants 120 hours, and are stackable (5 item-limit).

List all of some Charms and Generators that available to purchase in Foreign Vendor NPC (Prepaid Item 48 Hours):

ImageItem NameDescriptionMax Use
Clairvoyance CharmFive sense will become sharp. If you can’t see with your eyes, you will see with your senses! (Can see invisible users)1
Sprint CharmCan run faster1
Leader’s CharmParty level limiting will extend. (Can party team with up to 15 level of our character’s level)5
Holy CharmSacred energy will cover the body. It will reduce the debuff time by half1
Recovery CharmHP will recover with fixed period5
Burst GeneratorAttack point will increase5
Protect GeneratorDefense point will increase5
Perfect GeneratorIgnore the target’s shield defense and avoidance3
Silence GeneratorDecrease the intimidation rate to the monsters. Recommended to those with weak defense!1
Aggressive GeneratorIncrease the intimidation rate to the monsters. Recommended for shield warriors!1
Penzer GeneratorAdd certain amount of owner’s close range attack point to the MAU’s attack point5

Sealed Charm and Broken Generator

Sealed Charm and Sealed Generator mostly dropped from High Level monsters that spawned in Wild Beast (Jetso Island), Destroyed Novazan Fortress, and Hidden Land of Elf.

Sealed Charm and Broken Generator can only be used when unsealed. To unseal sealed charm and broken generator, visit the Hero NPC at your HQ and click Item Combination. (Prepaid Item 120 Hours):

Generator stack recipe

Please note that these recipes do not stack, if you create five singular burst generators then you will have five separate generators in your inventory.

Required Item 1Req Item 2Req Item 3Result (100% success)
Sealed Clairvoyance Charm White Excelsior Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Clairvoyance Charm
Sealed Sprint Charm Purple Excelsiar Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Sprint Charm
Sealed Party’s Charm Blue Excelsior Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Leader’s Charm
Sealed Recovery Charm Red Excelsior Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Recovery Charm
Broken Aggressive Generator Yellow Excelsiar Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Aggressive Generator
Broken Protect Generator Brown Excelsior Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Protect Generator
Broken Burst Generator Green Excelsior Piece *99 Blue Powder *10 Burst Generator

Rare Ore

All monsters drop Rare Ore items. Rare Ore has no price so it can’t be sold at NPCs and often players will just throw it away by dropping it, but who would have thought that we could process Rare Ore to get something more valuable by exchanging the results of the ore process for prizes given?

NPC ORE at Race HQ:

NPC ORE Accretia

NPC ORE Bellato


When you click the ORE NPC, Ores menu will be appear.

MenuNeed ItemsProcessed to
Process StoneRare Ore *5 Desirable Crafted Ore *1
Craft Stone Desirable Crafted Ore *5 Glowing Crafted Ore *1
Making Gem Glowing Crafted Ore *5 Sparkling Gem *1

After the Rare Ore has been processed, you can go to Gem Collector NPC next to ORE NPC.

MenuNeed ItemsProcessed to
Desirable processed stone Desirable Crafted Ore *1 Master’s Small Gift *1
Glowing crafted stone Glowing Crafted Ore *1 Master’s Gift *1
Shining Gem Sparkling Gem *1 Master’s Large Gift *1
Recycle box trade Large EmptyBox *50 Master’s Recycling box *1

You can open the gift box by right-click the box. You can see also inside the box by check the RFDB’s box page.

Holystone Pieces

Holystone Pieces can be obtained by processing Ore +3 and processing Ore +4. You can either upgrade them to Holystone or use them as daily quest items in Mini Herodian Keeper NPC (beside Guild Manager NPC) at your HQ.

ItemItem NameObtained fromUseful for
Brilliant HolyStone Piece+4 OresUpgrading Relic Weapons (when become Holystone)
Shining HolyStone Piece+4 OresUpgrading Special Weapons (when become Holystone)
Transparent HolyStone Piece+4 OresUpgrading Leon Weapons (when become Holystone)
Dreaming HolyStone Piece+1 +2 +3 OresDaily Quests
Silence HolyStone Piece+1 +2 +3 OresDaily Quests
Iron HolyStone Piece+1 +2 +3 OresDaily Quests

Holystone Pieces to Holystone

Holystone Pieces can be combined into a complete Holystone, by combining 99 of each Holystone Piece you will get a complete Holystone. The combination is done at the Hero NPC by paying 1,000,000 races currency Holystone Piece combination fee.

ItemItem NameDescription
Brilliant HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Brilliant Holystone Pieces
Shining HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Shining Holystone Pieces
Transparent HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Transparent Holystone Pieces
Linguistic HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Linguistic Holystone Pieces
Dreaming HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Dreaming Holystone Pieces
Silence HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Silence Holystone Pieces
Iron HolyStoneCombination result of 99 Iron Holystone Pieces

Holystone – Collect 5 Holystones and combine them at the Hero NPC to become an Item Generator. This Item Generator can also be purchased at the Mysterious Ore Seller NPC near the map transfer portal.

ItemItem NameDescription
Merchant’s CharmObtained by combining 5 Linguistic Holystones (Collect profits from buying and selling items from NPCs)
Penzer GeneratorObtained by combining 5 Iron Holystones (adds several attack points close to the MAU attack point)
Sympathy CharmObtained by combining 5 Dreaming Holystones (Adds several force attack points to animus attack points)
Silence GeneratorObtained by combining 5 Silence Holystones (Reduces the intimidation value of monsters)

Holystone Piece – Daily

Apart from Holystone Piece and Holystone, there is still 1 item that can be obtained from the ore process, namely Holymetal Wave. This Holymetal Wave can be exchanged for Holystone NPCs caught in each nation’s headquarters next to the guild manager NPC, becoming a new item “Small Exp Gain Potion”.

ItemItem NameDescription
Holymetal WaveEnergy density waves imitated from Holymetal.
Small Exp Gain PotionPotion which if used will get a certain amount of EXP
NPC Captured Keeper at race HQ

Excelsiar Pieces

Excelsiar Pieces can be obtained by killing monsters and processing Ore +4. You can either upgrade them to Excelsiars or sell five of the same color for 1 Gold.

ImageItem NameUsed ForCan be combined to
Black Excelsiar PieceMelee Weapons, Dark Force Reavers
Black Excelsiar A, B, C
Blue Excelsiar PieceStaffs, Wind Force Reavers, Combine Party’s Charm
Blue Excelsiar A, B, C
Brown Excelsiar PieceTerra Force Reavers, Combine Protect Generator
Brown Excelsiar A, B, C
Green Excelsiar PieceTerra Force Reavers, Combine Burst Generator
Green Excelsiar A, B, C
Navy Excelsiar PieceAqua Force Reavers
Navy Excelsiar A, B, C
Olive Excelsiar PieceBooster / Jetpack
Olive Excelsiar A, B, C
Purple Excelsiar PieceType C Armor, Shield, Combine Sprint Charm
Purple Excelsiar A, B, C
Red Excelsiar PieceFirearms, Fire Force Reavers, Combine Recovery Charm
Red Excelsiar A, B, C
White Excelsiar PieceHoly Force Reavers, Combine Clairvoyance Charm
White Excelsiar A, B, C
Yellow Excelsiar PieceLaunchers, Combine Aggressive Generator
Yellow Excelsiar A, B, C

Excelsiar Combination

10 Excelsiar Pieces + 5 Silver Catalyst + 2 Gold Catalyst = Excelsiars A

15 Excelsiar Pieces + 12 Silver Catalyst + 5 Gold Catalyst = Excelsiars B

30 Excelsiar Pieces + 20 Silver Catalyst + 10 Gold Catalyst = Excelsiars C


Excelsiars are useful to combine A Weapon, C Weapon, C Armor, C shield, Elite Force Reaver, or for materials to build guard tower. You need to combine several items (Excelsiar Pieces, Silver Catalyst and Gold Catalyst) to produce an Excelsiar. Silver Catalyst and Gold Catalyst can be purchased from Sundries NPC at your HQ.

ImageItem NameNeed to combineUsed for
Black Excelsiar A10 Black Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Melee Weapons, Dark Force Reavers, Cora Guard Tower
Black Excelsiar B15 Black Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Melee Weapons, Dark Force Reavers, Cora Guard Tower
Black Excelsiar C30 Black Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Melee Weapons, Dark Force Reavers, Cora Guard Tower
Blue Excelsiar A10 Blue Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Staffs, Wind Force Reavers
Blue Excelsiar B15 Blue Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Staffs, Wind Force Reavers
Blue Excelsiar C30 Blue Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Staffs, Wind Force Reavers
Brown Excelsiar A10 Brown Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Terra Force Reavers
Brown Excelsiar B15 Brown Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Terra Force Reavers
Brown Excelsiar C30 Brown Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Terra Force Reavers
Green Excelsiar A10 Green Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Green Excelsiar B15 Green Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Green Excelsiar C30 Green Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Navy Excelsiar A10 Navy Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Aqua Force Reavers
Navy Excelsiar B15 Navy Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Aqua Force Reavers
Navy Excelsiar C30 Navy Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Aqua Force Reavers
Olive Excelsiar A10 Olive Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Booster / Jetpack
Olive Excelsiar B15 Olive Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Booster / Jetpack
Olive Excelsiar C30 Olive Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Booster / Jetpack
Purple Excelsiar A10 Purple Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Type C Armor, Shield
Purple Excelsiar B15 Purple Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Type C Armor, Shield
Purple Excelsiar C30 Purple Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Type C Armor, Shield
Red Excelsiar A10 Red Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Firearms, Fire Force Reavers
Red Excelsiar B15 Red Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Firearms, Fire Force Reavers
Red Excelsiar C30 Red Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Firearms, Fire Force Reavers
White Excelsiar A10 White Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Holy Force Reavers, Bellato Tower
White Excelsiar B15 White Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Holy Force Reavers, Holy Force Reavers, Bellato Guard Tower
White Excelsiar C30 White Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Holy Force Reavers, Holy Force Reavers, Bellato Guard Tower
Yellow Excelsiar A10 Yellow Excelsiar Pieces
5 Silver Catalyst
2 Gold Catalyst
Launchers, Accretia Guard Tower
Yellow Excelsiar B15 Yellow Excelsiar Pieces
12 Silver Catalyst
5 Gold Catalyst
Launchers, Accretia Guard Tower
Yellow Excelsiar C30 Yellow Excelsiar Pieces
20 Silver Catalyst
10 Gold Catalyst
Launchers, Accretia Guard Tower

Excelsiar Combination

10 Excelsiar Pieces + 5 Silver Catalyst + 2 Gold Catalyst = Excelsiars A

15 Excelsiar Pieces + 12 Silver Catalyst + 5 Gold Catalyst = Excelsiars B

30 Excelsiar Pieces + 20 Silver Catalyst + 10 Gold Catalyst = Excelsiars C


Jewels increase the probability of upgrade success. Most jewels can be obtained by processing mine, but some may be purchased at at the cash shop.

ImageItem NameEffectObtained from:
RubyBarely Increases upgrade probability (T1)Processing ore
Light RubySlightly increases upgrade probability (T2)Processing ore
Fire RubyModerately increases upgrade probability (T3)Processing ore
Salamander RubyGreatly increases upgrade probability (T4)Processing ore
Lucky RubyEnormously increases upgrade probability (T5) Lucky Set of Gem Exchanger (Cash Shop)
Shiny Ruby of LuckVery Enormously increases upgrade probability (T6) Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon (Cash Shop)
Brilliant Lucky RubyExtremely Enormously increases upgrade probability (T7) Briliant Gem Set Exchanger (Cash Shop)
CrystalBarely Increases upgrade probability (T1)Processing ore
Water CrystalSlightly increases upgrade probability (T2)Processing ore
Ice CrystalModerately increases upgrade probability (T3)Processing ore
Angel’s CrystalGreatly increases upgrade probability (T4)Processing ore
Lucky CrystalEnormously increases upgrade probability (T5) Lucky Set of Gem Exchanger (Cash Shop)
Shiny Crystal of LuckVery Enormously increases upgrade probability (T6) Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon (Cash Shop)
Brilliant Lucky CrystalExtremely Enormously increases upgrade probability (T7) Briliant Gem Set Exchanger (Cash Shop)
TopazBarely Increases upgrade probability (T1)Processing ore
Terra TopazSlightly increases upgrade probability (T2)Processing ore
Poison TopazModerately increases upgrade probability (T3)Processing ore
Land’s TopazGreatly increases upgrade probability (T4)Processing ore
Lucky TopazEnormously increases upgrade probability (T5) Lucky Set of Gem Exchanger (Cash Shop)
Shiny Gold Jade of LuckVery Enormously increases upgrade probability (T6) Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon (Cash Shop)
Brilliant Lucky TopazExtremely Enormously increases upgrade probability (T7) Briliant Gem Set Exchanger (Cash Shop)
ObsidianBarely Increases upgrade probability (T1)Processing ore
Lightning ObsidianSlightly increases upgrade probability (T2)Processing ore
Wind ObsidianModerately increases upgrade probability (T3)Processing ore
Truth’s ObsidianGreatly increases upgrade probability (T4)Processing ore
Lucky ObsidianEnormously increases upgrade probability (T5) Lucky Set of Gem Exchanger (Cash Shop)
Shiny Black Jade of LuckVery Enormously increases upgrade probability (T6) Shiny Luck Jewel Coupon (Cash Shop)
Brilliant Lucky ObsidianExtremely Enormously increases upgrade probability (T7) Briliant Gem Set Exchanger (Cash Shop)


You can mine (Reference: Game System-Mining) for unprocessed ores. Give these to the “ORE” NPC at your race’s HQ, and he will process them for you. Processed ores can produce valuable items such as talics, crystals, and metallic resources that can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor.

Ore +1 +2 +3 can be obtained from Mining using Mining Tool and Battery, while Ore +4 only obtained from Settlement Mining using Unmanned Boring Machine.

NameOre +1Ore +2Ore +3Ore +4
NameBlue Ore +1Blue Ore +2Blue Ore +3Blue Ore +4
NameRed Ore +1Red Ore +2Red Ore +3Red Ore +3
NameYellow Ore +1Yellow Ore +2Yellow Ore +3Yellow Ore +4
NameGreen Ore +1Green Ore +2Green Ore +3Green Ore +4
NameBlack Ore +1Black Ore +2Black Ore +3Black Ore +4

The processed items such as : Fetalium, Cotalrio, Baytalrous, Crotalian are useful to crafting Weapons, and Armors.

Processed Ore (Resources)

Ores +1+2+3+4Processed OreFor Crafting

Blue Ore + 1 +2 +3 +4
Grenade Launcher 63~75
Armor Lower Level 23~55
Armor Gloves Level 63~75

Red Ore +1 +2 +3 +4
Armor Head Level 23~75

Yellow Ore +1 +2 +3 +4
Armor Upper Level 23~75

Green Ore +1 +2 +3 +4
Bow (Ranged Weapon)
Throwing Knife
Armor Gloves Level 23~55
Armor Lower Level 63~75

Black Ore +1 +2 +3 +4
All Close Range Weapon
Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear
Armor Shoes Level 23~75

How to crafting in RF Online can be read in here >> RF Online Crafting Guide <<


Talics are used to upgrade weapons and armor. Talics can be found by

  1. Processing Ore you obtain from mining (Reference: Game System-Mining), but chances of producing them are small.
  2. Once you level up to 66, you will get Certificate of Daily Quest items, collect 5 pcs of it, combine in HERO NPC, and then you will get 10 pcs of Talic Reward Box Common.
IconNameUsed forEffects
Ignorance / Keen TalicWeaponsIncrease Attack Power
Destruction TalicWeaponsAbsorbs some of target’s HP
Darkness TalicWeaponsLowers target’s Block Rate
Chaos TalicWeapons, JetpackTemporarily Stuns target
Hatred TalicRanged WeaponsIncreases Attack Range
Favor TalicArmorIncreases Defense
Wisdom TalicHelmetReduces Debuff Duration
Sacredfire TalicUpper, Lower, Shield, Jetpack, Melee WeaponsIncreases Fire Resistance
Belief TalicUpper, Lower, Shield, Jetpack, Melee WeaponsIncreases Water Resistance
Guard TalicUpper, Lower, Shield, Jetpack, Melee WeaponsIncreases Terra Resistance
Glory TalicUpper, Lower, Shield, Jetpack, Melee WeaponsIncreases Wind Resistance
Grace TalicGlovesIncreases Accuracy
Mercy TalicShoesIncreases Avoidance Rate
Restoration TalicAll equipmentTakes out last added Talic

You can upgrade your items using talic, such as upgrade armors, weapons, jetpack, and elementals rings/amulet.

RFDatabase Upgrade Black Tiger Head [30 Days] in RF Online Remastered.